Friday, September 5, 2014

The Big Day

If you're reading this on Friday, there's a good chance that Abel is in surgery at this very moment. Surgery that will open up his head and eventually, hopefully give him the ability to hear. Please pray. It's Wednesday night as I write this and I'm a nervous wreck. In an effort to focus my head, I thought I'd answer some questions I've gotten recently about the procedure.

How long is it going to take?
We are told it should take between 4-6 hours to implant both sides. That does not count time spent in pre-op appointments and recovery.

After the surgery, will he just be able to hear?
No. Actually, he will still be deaf. After surgery, he will need time to heal. Two to three weeks after the procedure is activation day.

Is it all inside the head or ear? Can you see it?
The inside portion will obviously not be visible, but in order to make the cochlear implants work, processors will attach via magnet on the sides of his head and rest behind his ears. When the processors are taken off, he will not have access to sound. He'll still be deaf. Processors typically aren't worn around water or at bed time.

What do you think his first word will be?
You know, I don't even let myself think of this. You might think that once he is turned on that he can start talking within weeks, but it's not that easy. His brain has to be taught what these noises mean. I can't even explain it, but I do know that I'm going to have to be realistic about this process or I'll go crazy. I'm trying to take it one day at a time.

Are you going to record it?
As I mentioned, he'll be activated weeks later. That means, they'll begin the process of turning on his sound. These are all the cute videos you see on youtube and facebook of the kiddos hearing for the first time. While these are all adorable (and often make me cry happy tears), they also aren't typical. It's much more common to have a crying reaction or no reaction at all. Think about's probably alarming to suddenly have a new sense. To hear for the first time when you're less than two years old? It must be frightening. Still, we will totally record this awesome moment in our lives. It will be magical, no matter how he reacts.

I'm keeping the faith.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you (Abel!) says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."


Lisa C said...

Good luck! Praying for y'all! One of my sorority sisters has had implants since about his age, and she's had great success with them.

Jamie said...

Sending positive thoughts.

Jenn said...

He is the cutest thing ever and you are all in my prayers today!

Rachel Ross said...

Praying all goes well today!!

Jen said...

Sending many positive thoughts for today!!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all today and praying for a good surgery and recovery. xox

Brook M said...

Praying that everything goes good!

Sunflowers & Love

Paige said...

Thinking of your family and praying for a great outcome!!

Jen said...

Praying it all goes smoothly and he'll be able to hear in the coming months!

Chantal said...

You guys are in my thoughts! I'm anxious to hear how it all goes.

AlanaMarie said...

Your post almost brought tears to my eyes, I just want to hug you. I am so excited about this journey, and I think about you guys frequently and I cannot wait for Abe to hear you.

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