Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"Leave me alone!"

I absolutely love Reality TV. It allows glimpses into the day-to-day grind that other people experience, all from the comfort of my couch where I can harbor judgment for the people who are paid to do nothing. But honestly? I doubt there's enough money in the world that would make me agree to participate in a reality show. Everyone in your biz like that? No, thanks.

MTV gets a bad rap for glamorizing Teen Pregnancy with their shows 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom. Clearly, the people who are saying these things have never watched these shows.

Because from my comfy couch, their lives look pretty darn hard to me. Sure, they've agreed to document this time in their lives for all the world to see in exchange for money. It's a business deal and probably a pretty smart one, too. Teenagers aren't among the wealthiest people in the world and with a new addition in their lives, they're probably searching for any little way they can add to their income. It may look easy, but I'd venture to bet that it sucks on most days.

People are so mean to these girls- tweeting them, leaving IG comments saying they're ugly, stupid, slutty, and even going as far as to criticize their small children! These girls are so young. They are constantly learning more about themselves. They screw up, just like everyone else. The difference is that anyone can sit at their couch and make these judgments without ever stepping foot into their shoes.

I think about what I was like at 19 and how people would probably have a lot to say about me, too if my life had been broadcasted all over the t.v., Internet, and tabloids. I was Chelsea, for sure. I kept going back to my ex who had cheated on me almost constantly throughout our relationship. And the resemblances don't stop there as I could probably relate to almost all of these young moms in some form or fashion.

Real talk.

So, when I watch these silly shows, I don't think the girls are glamorized much at all. In fact, I think I watch it and think, "Wow. It can always be worse." Because when the baby is teething and being uber cranky, my husband is in the field and I'm parenting alone, or when the proverbial rain is all over my parade, I realize I could be a child and have a child. Eek. These girls are making huge decisons at 18 that I wasn't thinking about until I was 25. At their age, I was contemplating whether I should go to my 8:15am class or stay in my dorm all day and watch FRIENDS.

So when Jenelle freaks out on almost every episode and screams, "LEAVE ME ALOOOOOONE." I kind of get it. I would want to be left alone, too. Why do you think it is that total strangers get so involved in the lives of celebrities? Enough so that they would take time out of their day to leave words of malice all over their Twitter feeds and Facebook walls? Or what's even more annoying (to me)- begging for a retweet from someone famous on Twitter. I don't get it.

On my blog, I have the luxury of getting to choose what I share with the world and I'm thankful for that. While so-called reality tv may be addictive to the rest of us, I can't imagine actually having to be a part of something like that. It's not glamourous from my spot on the couch- it looks like it sucks.

Please tell me I'm not the only mid-to-late 20's gal who tunes in every Tuesday!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

the one with no direction

Sometimes this blog needs a nice, one-thought-directed -kind-of post, but this mommy brain doesn't have one today. I've got a gazillion things that I could tell you about right now. But I'll just start with Baby K's latest doctor appointment.

It went well.

We saw a different doctor this time, as you know. She didn't seem concerned about his lack of weight gain after discussing with us what we were feeding him, genetics, and all that good stuff. She showed us his growth curve, which has completely plateaued- and told us that he was nearing falling off the chart all together. That's never a good thing, but we're adopting a positive attitude that K will catch up in no time.

He had gained a few ounces in the two weeks it took to get him another appointment.

In the mean time, the Dr. told us to up his formula feedings and his solids. I feed this kid every hour now almost. I wish I was joking.

Honestly, he does seem to be happier, but I'm sure I would be, too if I got to eat every hour.

I think he looks bigger. Maybe it's working. The next appointment is mid to late march so we'll know more then. They want to retest his WBC because it was unusually high at the last testing. We'd appreciate your prayers for little man, if talkin' to the man upstairs is your thing! ;)

My facebook hiatus has proved to be a good thing. The first day, I felt kinda like, ok- what now? I mean, it felt as if I gave up my link to the outside world, but obviously that's not quite true. A couple days into this thing and I really don't care. The only time I miss it is when I need someone's contact info or I need to look up a time for an event- stuff like that. Other than that, I don't even notice the absence of facebook. I sometimes think in status updates, though. ;) The old question, "What's on your mind?" will have to be answered in my little corner of the internet at Mrs K and Captain

Life has been good lately. Really good.

I sometimes regretfully miss being social. Tuesdays are PWOC days, but I skipped today. The idea of getting bottles, pacis, extra clothes, diapers, and myself ready to make a thirty minute drive to post only to have to turn around and come right back  home when K Baby gets antsy and doesn't want to be in the nursery any longer, makes me tired just thinking about it. Plus there's the guilt. That dreaded mom guilt. Don't get him off his nap schedule- he needs sleep. Or- You've got to get him used to strangers before it gets worse. Oh, the guilt. The constant questions of am I doing him a dis-service or is this what's right for him? Today his sleep won out. He was cranky and irritable and I caved. Perhaps next week, we'll try it again.

Meanwhile, I've been hanging out with Jenna Lou a lot more. I am so beyond happy to have her here! Her and her husband are so wonderful. Seriously. They've hung out with me twice since J's crazy work schedule began- keeping this lonely housewife feeling happy and entertained. They're both funny, interesting, and I know we're all going to have some good times together. I swear, she's really really here. After having spent time together a handful of times, we still do not have photographic evidence. And we call ourselves bloggers!

Those are just a few random topics of my mind. Quick, name three random things on your mind- Ready, Go!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sleeper's Run

Everyone likes the book they can't put down, right? Either it's frustrating yet compelling or interesting and exciting and you just can't seem to get anything else done because you keep returning to it. This was one of those books for me. I'll admit, I read the first chapter or two and put it down for awhile, but when I picked it back up, it was a quick read for me.

There were scenarios I could relate to such as the military references, but there was also a story line that wasn't so relateable and kept me on my toes. It was exciting- full of action. It was fun to read.

The main character, Eric begins working for the CIA after a strange sequence of events occurs and eventually leads him to Venezuela. There, he meets a woman he believes to be working with and finds himself wanting to get to know her more. Later, Eric is asked to do something that will have him running from the local government there and in the United States, too.

The author researched and carefully developed the characters, cultures, and settings involved in the novel very well. Sometimes it felt like overkill, though. Eric was a larger than life kind of person, but things like that have never bothered me in works of fiction.

I liked the book.

(I was given a free copy of this book and compensated to write this review. All opinions are my own and may differ from yours.)


I just meticulously unwrapped the foil from my lingering Valentine's Day Dove, carefully so as not to rip the message that was waiting for me inside. It read, "Express what's in your heart." And I just don't know that I can.

Today was a good day.

I spent the first part of my day somewhat bitter. It's so easy for me to only walk in my shoes- to not consider someone else's point of view. How awful when that person I'm not considering is the other half of me, my husband.

Captain J has been working as much as he used to work in Alaska (and more). If he comes home, he doesn't get here until around nine. The baby is in bed at that point and I'm finally able to allow myself to rest a little. Some nights, he doesn't come home at all. I start to slip into the attitude that I raise our child, I know what's best, and I'm making all the decisions when it comes to him. I feel like a single parent.

The military wife often plays this role when her husband is away. The only thing that is different is that she knows it's temporary and sometimes, if she's lucky, there's an end in sight.

I've stopped looking for that end. I'm starting to enjoy more and more every day, the time I get with Baby K. Sure, I'm sad that we can't experience his morning laughter together or his afternoon cuddly moments. I hate that Captain J misses feeding time because of the cute way K looks like a baby bird when he opens his mouth for the vegetable of the day.

My husband, the soldier- he misses so much.

I don't want to be annoyed when he's gone so much. I want to focus on the good.

Like pretty weeds.

 And watching the interest on my child's face as he discovers pine cones.

Strolling through the backyard,

picking flowers for Daddy.

There's beauty in all seasons.

And in this season of my life, I'm going to focus on the beautiful. To me, that means getting to watch my son grow up right before my eyes. I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have such a wonderful boy- not to mention, a husband who works very hard so that we can experience moments like these.

I love my boys.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Project 365- Week 8

Day 50: Sunday

Day 51: Monday

Day 52: Tuesday

Day 53: Wednesday

Day 54: Thursday

Day 55: Friday

Day 56: Saturday

I don't feel much like talkin' today so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. I'm linking up with Laura again today for Project 365!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Dr. Day

We've been doing lots of this around here lately in preparation for today:

Yes, we've been stuffing this boy to the gills. And by we, I mean me, of course. Captain J is never home at feeding time. He's missing all the fun stuff! Anyway, carrots and sweet potatoes are winners in his book. In just a few minutes, we'll be trying peas. Good stuff. I'll keep you updated on the exciting world of Baby K.

That's why I'm writing today, actually. Remember this post? It was the one where I showed pictures of K and described why the doctor labled him "failure to thrive." Well, we're just now getting that follow-up appointment with a different pediatrician. Today's the day.

I hope he has put on at least a little weight. Or I hope we can figure out what's going on. Pray/send good vibes for little man? Having blood drawn is no fun. And I don't want him to hurt because, well- He's awesome!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Why I Decided to Give Up Facebook For Lent

It all started with my growing frustration with social media & networking. I don't think it's a bad thing at all, but I do think it is a time guzzler and a vacuum that just sucks you me in. Then, I saw that the lovely Laura was giving up Twitter for forty days and I thought that was a pretty good idea for her because she does like to tweet! :) Still, I didn't think much about making such a sacrifice because I never give up anything for Lent.

Perhaps you think Facebook is a silly thing to hand over? Well, for this stay-at-home military mom it isn't. It's how I connect with my family and friends who are far away. It may sound like it's not a big deal and to you, maybe it's not. But, I'm on Facebook a lot throughout the day. Like, mulitiple- times- an- hour a lot. All of that came to a (temporary) end today when I felt God leading me in a different direction...

I sat down to do my daily devotional and I came to the story in Luke 5. You will remember that this is when Jesus went down by the Lake of Gennesaret and he came to four fisherman who were cleaning their nets after a long, unsuccessful day at sea. Jesus asked Simon Peter to let the nets down one more time. He was hesitant to do so but he obeyed and when the nets came back up they were so full of fish that they needed two boats to haul the fish back to shore. The bible says the men were "astonished" (Verse 9). Then Jesus spoke saying, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will be fishers of men." It was then that the men left their nets and followed Him.

Peter's nets symbolized all he knew, his old way of living.

The prompt in the devotional asked- What are YOUR nets?

I wrote down-

approval of man, comparison, inferiority

And when I thought about why I do these things or feel that way, I thought about facebook. Most people on facebook share what is happy in their lives to the point to where it seems like some people have everything. They never fight with their husband or wife. Their baby never cries. So and so brought them flowers home from work. Job promotion! Their faith in God never ever falters, just look at their status for yet another reminder where you're lacking. I least that's what it can feel like.

Of course, this is rarely anyone's intention yet so often I've written on these various topics on this very blog. I talked about feeling inferior because I'm a stay at home mom. I've compared my life to other young moms by wondering why isn't he growing like their child is? Rolling over? Insert other fears I've had up until this point in raising him- the fears have been many.

And approval of man? It's so easy to fall into that trap on facebook. The other day one of my statuses got something like sixty (ish) "likes" which made me feel good for about a day. It's just ridiculous. It shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks. My life is not my own anyway. It belongs to the Father in Heaven who created me and will use me according to his plans.

When I started reading my study this morning, I had no idea that God would ask me to do something for Him. But by the end of it, I knew he was leading me to shut off facebook for awhile. He was almost whispering, "Give it up. Will you?"

I thought, hmm...can I? Is this really God talking to me? Does He really want me to do something so miniscule?

He did.

And I just did it. I deleted the app on my phone. I signed out on the computer. And I posted a reminder for good measure-

None of this is because I think social media & networking is a negative thing. I didn't do it for any other reason aside from wanting to trusting God and follow His direction. Perhaps He wants to show me to slow down and enjoy my little man more often. Maybe He's saying, "Instead of opening the app out of boredom while you're rocking him to sleep, look at your child a little bit longer. Use that time to pray for him." Who knows? I don't know yet.

I do know that my house will be a heck of a lot cleaner with this new development! Ha.

Anyway, I'll still be blogging and tweeting occasionally if you need me. Feel free to email or call me, too. I'm sad that I won't be able to stalk keep up with you all so write me every now and again and let me know how you're doing, mmkay?

I'll see all you Facebookers in April!


Mrs. K

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

To Blog or Not To Blog

There are times when I want to say to this blog- sayonara! Cya never.

It just sucks up so much of my time. As I sit here typing now, there's laundry to do. There's money to be made. There are dishes to be washed, floors to clean. But I can't do it. This is my voice. It's the only place throughout the day that I can have interaction with someone other than a six month old.

Don't get me wrong. I love laughing and playing with my son. I love singing silly things just to get him to smile. But sometimes I want to talk to someone who will talk back! That's where all of you come in. So, for now- the blog will stay.

I've had a lot weighing on my heart lately. Perhaps this is why most of my posts have been fluff  posts- ones that don't really reveal much about me. This is my online journal, though so prepare yourselves for a virtual unload:

1. I'm beyond ready and terrified at the same time to leave the Army behind. I was excited to get out because that meant that we would possibly be much closer to family. But what if all that isn't what it's cracked up to be? What if we're still far away and now I'm isolated as a SAHM with no Army community or Army family to immerse myself in? I wonder how the civilian stay at home moms do it. Is it difficult to meet friends? Friends with other kids? Then I think about Captain J's schedule right now. It's not so bad. I mean, when he's in rotation with JRTC (or in the field), we've been lucky. He comes home every other night usually. Recently, he has been home at least for a few hours every night. When there's not a unit here to train, he is home by 1500 most days! There's no way he'll find hours like that in the civilian world while making the money he makes now. The future is scary, but exciting too. I think I just miss the adventures we had in Alaska and I worry that he'll find a job some place and then what? We have to live there. What if I don't like it? With the Army, it was easy to be optimistic about moving (or PCSing) because if you don't like your duty station- no worries, you'll be moving again soon anyway. One thing I absolutely won't miss? The healthcare system.

2. I've also been missing work. It's probably not work per se but feeling as if I'm contributing to something. I've been freelancing occasionally so that helps me to feel productive, but I find myself searching for counseling opportunities in the area. Or even volunteer projects. I need to be valuable to someone, ya know?

3. I know I am to Baby K. Every day I notice more and more how much he depends on me and how he looks to me for most things. Can I just say how wonderful that feels? Of course I want him to feel safe and secure when I'm not with him, too but I love our time together. He's such a sweet boy and cute as a freakin' button. Sometimes I wonder if I bit off more than I can chew with doing cloth diapering and making our own baby food, but I actually enjoy it usually. Saving money feels good. Not to mention, it's nice to prove wrong all those people who doubted I would last a week with my crazy idea :)

Let's catch up, y'all. What's on YOUR mind?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mardi Gras

[caption id="attachment_4119" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Not My Photo"][/caption]

Hello, from Cajun Country (Ft. Polk is more like Texas, though *sigh)! Our little town is hopping with Mardi Gras parades and festivities and I'm afraid I let the season sneak on by me. I've been busy writing and taking care of the little one that I must, sadly, report that I haven't done a single thing to celebrate. What a shame! We won't be in Louisiana long and I already wish I had made more of an effort to explore this unique culture.

When we rolled into town back in June/July, I kept seeing front doors decorated. At first glance, I thought that they must be having a party. Perhaps someone had a baby? Maybe that person just likes really tacky decorations? Then I saw another and another and another. What was going on?

Here's what I'm referring to-

Well, there ya have it. Versions of door decorations are everywhere now that we're actually in Mardi Gras season. As you can imagine, these Louisianians get really into it. Our neighbors still have their Christmas tree up and lit and I couldn't figure out why they were broadcasting that to the world as we're nearing March, but then I saw this and it all made sense-

You all know how crazy I am about decorating for Christmas, right? After seeing this, I was sad I took down all four of my trees before we were even a couple days into January. I could have had so much fun with this!

Zut alor.

Oh well. Next year.

(Pin here.)

Do you have celebratory plans? Do tell.

Regardless, may your week be festive and fun and full of beads you don't have to compromise your dignity for. ;)

(Pin here.)

(All other photos source: Mardi Gras Outlet)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Read This/Not That

I like looking at those books that tell you what to eat versus what to avoid eating because of the calories and such. It's not that I follow it necessarily, but it's interesting anyway.

Many of you send me messages about the books I read so I thought I'd give you my take on recent devotionals I have read just in case you were in the market for a new one:


Road Trip: Five Adventures You're Meant to Live by Jen Hatmaker is a refreshingly witty and fun journey through God's word. It uses modern day scenarios to relate what God might be trying to tell us through scripture in an easy going yet focused way. It's a book you want to read, not one you are only reading because you feel as if you should read it. The chapters (or day by day studies) are short (Can I get an amen?), leaving time for you to reflect on what was written, pray, write, or go catch the latest episode of American Idol ;) This is perfect if you're a part of a women's small group or you're looking to start one!

And now for the...


I didn't enjoy He Said, She Said as much. I thought it would be different from what it really is. I was hoping for a couples devotional when I felt like I got a lot of honest personal stories that were prompted from single verses from the Bible, which is fine, but not what I was looking for. It offers some worthwhile food for thought, but overall I didn't feel God speaking to me through this book. It just wasn't my cup of tea, that's all.

(Note: I was not compensated for the review; all opinions are my own.)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Project 365- Week 7

Welcome to Week 7 of my 52 Week journey-

Day 43: Last Sunday we finally started using the Baby Bullet to make K's food. We pre-made carrots and peas.

Day 44: On Monday, K and I made Valentine yummies.

Day 45: Tuesday (Valentine's Day!) my sweetie and I shared a delicious chocolate malt after we put the little one to bed.

Day 46: Wednesday I captured this sweet moment in between a wardrobe change for Baby K. I love this photo!

Day 47: Thursday I finally found use for the little belt I found.

 Day 48: On Friday, one of my favorite bloggers moved here! We went out to dinner with her and her hubby, but unfortunately did not snap a picture (yet again) so  here's this one of my vintage necklace find:

Day 49: On Saturday J left for the field. Baby K and I enjoyed a rainy day in (for the most part). He snuggled with me all morning and gnawed on my fingers to relieve his teething pain. I just love that little boy. I'm so happy to have him in my life.

The first two photos are the only ones that were taken with my good camera (that I'm still trying to figure out how to use). The rest were taken with my iphone. It's my goal to use the real one more next week.

What does your week in pictures look like?

Link up with Laura at-

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Oh, you must be tired of hearing about it now- how I miss Tennessee. But I do. More so today because my cousin just had a baby and I wish I could be there to hold the little guy. If only we were within driving distance!

Instead, I'll just google Tennessee and peruse the photos of my home sweet home.

And I'll dream of when mountains are in my life again.

And maybe I'll blast rocky top and look forward to a better football season next fall.

Until then~ Happy Saturday, y'all!

(Photo credit here and here.)

Friday, February 17, 2012

How To Get Anything You Want

The title of the book is just attractive, isn't it?

How To Get Anything You Want Just Like That!

I don't know anyone who doesn't want to know that little gem of info. We're all searching for something, right? Needless to say, I thought I would really like this book. My background is in the helping professions and I assumed that I would find Janet Poole's book useful and relatable. If I'm being honest, there are several excellent points in it. There were multiple times when I was scribbling in my notebook thinking, "Oh, that's good!" or "Yes. That is absolutely important to remember." The flip side of the coin, though is one that is not so relatable for me. For instance, the very first sentence starts off, "Did you know that you are entitled to have anything you want?" Perhaps this set the tone for the rest of the book for me since I completely disagree with everything about that sentence.

There were other things about this way of thinking that irked me, too. The author describes that each of us are gods (p. 7), a belief that is fundamentally against what I, as a Christian, believe. Poole discusses past lives and freely dishes out lots of feel good advice and tools toward getting what one wants out of the present life.

What did I like about the book? It's food for thought. No matter what you believe, it's important to know why you believe that. It's important to step outside of your box and expand your mind. One of my favorite quotes says:

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle

With that being said, the book also contains several key concepts that I wholeheartedly believe to be true. There's an emphasis on making changes in thinking in order to create change in life. This is absolutely something that I've found to be true in my life and in the lives of people I've worked with in a counseling setting. There's also an emphasis on loving and valuing the self which is important for self growth, in my opinion.

In addition to these pearls of wisdom, there are also summaries and exercises to accompany each chapter.

Want a copy? The first person to comment on this post will get their very own! And maybe the second person, too ;) Facebook comments will not count- it must be a blog comment.

(Note: I was provided this book as well as compensated for this review. All opinions are my own and may differ from yours.)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

voice of reason

I'm bad about having expectations for my birthday and other holidays and when the day doesn't work out exactly how I imagined, I'm all -woe is me. On Valentine's Day, I was sure it would be a perfect day. It was a Tuesday so I had plans to go to PWOC, come home and clean up the house and decorate, and get ready for a romantic evening in with my man.

If we're friends on facebook, you know by now that my day just didn't quite turn out the way I had hoped by my status that read- "Today-3, Me-0" that was posted in the evening of February 14th.

(1) It all started with my (much too early) morning wake up call. For an unknown reason, Baby K decided to wake up at 3:30...for the day! Umm, no. I refuse. Not going to work little man. I finally was able to get him (and myself) back to sleep for another hour that day, but I wouldn't exactly call it a restful nights sleep. Determined, I got out of bed and began getting K ready to leave for my bible study group. I was so excited to go, especially because we missed last week because K Baby was sick. Our house was alive with the bustle of the morning when Captain J mentioned that he didn't have any clean socks (again). I told him to go look in the bag where I keep all the unmatched socks, a bag he didn't realize I had. He then remarked, "THAT'S where all my socks are." Which, I of course interpreted to mean that I was a terrible house wife because I couldn't keep clean or matched socks in his drawer. Ridiculous? Yes. But I wasn't operating on much sleep. Anyway...

(2) I dressed K in one of his sweet Valentine onesies and headed off to chapel without a shower and smelling like baby spit up. I dropped him off in childcare and 45 minutes later my pager was going off to come get him. I walked in and he was freaking out- again. And again, all the other little fellas in the room were quietly playing or sleeping. Ha! No biggie, I thought. I'll just bring him in the room with me. But he wasn't having that. He wanted a nap. He wanted his crib. And he wanted it now. Before ever sitting down to get into the lesson, I was packing up and leaving. And crying myself because of the stress of the last few weeks and my lack of sleep I'm a baby, too.

He cried most of the way home and fell asleep as we were pulling down our street. He woke up as I was bringing him through the door. I got him out of his car seat and he laughed. He laughed. Little stinker.

(3) I decided to post something for sale on a facebook for sale page but I forgot to take into account how mean (and ignorant) the general public can be. Epic fail. I posted the item by saying "$20 OBO (or best offer) and immediately got a text message asking if I would sell the item for a lower price. Sure, $15 is fine. I told her I WOULD take $15 but ya know...I still had best offer on the item. I return her text by saying someone else would pay 20 because I was getting messages left and right. She completely flipped out like a crazy person. She was texting me constantly saying how she wouldn't be treated like this, how it wasn't fair, and God bless me anyway.


What just happened?

I tried explaining to her what OBO meant but it was to no avail. This person was a grandmother, for crying out loud. She even told me she "really needed it." And then it all made sense. She must be one of these people who think the world owes her something- and that because she needs something, she should get it. This was not a need item, folks.

And I instantly felt icky for all the Christians in the world who truly mean it when they say "God bless you" because this woman was completely using those words to try to make me feel bad.

Because I care what other people think, I let her get me down. I worried about this mean person and for what reason? I finally realized that I was ruining a perfectly good Valentine's Day because of small, petty things in my life. I left the silly facebook group so as to never have to deal with her (or anyone else like her) again. Then I turned off the computer, put down my phone, and focused on my husband.

And you know what?

V-Day wasn't all awful. I got dressed (ha). Captain J and I had a wonderful candlelit dinner and he surprised me with an appointment for a massage, facial, mani, pedi, tanning, and makeup session. A "me day"- sounds perfect.

Thank you, J for being my voice of reason and my happy place. I love you!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Finer Things In Life

I thought I'd let you step into my kitchen for a few minutes today. What's cookin'?

Our family go-to meal. And it's delicious.

Excuse the crumbs on the floor. Clear off a spot at the bar. You can move the baby chair to the floor to make room. Ok, are you ready?

I've got the easiest, tastiest recipe ever.

You will need:

  • bow tie pasta (half box)

  • peas (we use the steamer bags)

  • sausage

  • alfredo sauce (half jar)

That's it! But if you want to get fancy, throw in some spices to taste and add some shallots, too. YU--UM!

It's so easy, you could probably figure it out yourselves.

  1. Cut sausage into bite sized pieces and just cook it up in a skillet. Brown it, ya know. Then drain the grease (This is where our dear, sweet Holly expects the grease to be poured over her dog food!). Note: If you're getting fancy, you can add the spices and shallots here.

  2. While you're preparing the sausage, get some water boiling for the pasta. I trust you can follow the directions on the box/bag. ;)

  3. Stick pea bag in microwave (What? I told you it was easy).

  4. When the pasta is done, drain the water, and mix in about half of the alfredo sauce.

  5. Add sausage and peas to pasta and voila! Tastiest, easiest dish you'll ever make.

You're welcome. ;)

We also like to have red wine with this, but you do what you want! On Sunday, we had this meal with some Malbec. Usually, we claim our house wine to be the Wal-mart brand of Oak Leaf. We're not picky. This particular night, however, we were feeling fancy. Instead of the regular 3 dollar bottle, we splurged for the $14. Classy, I know. Anyway, we were partaking in our wine tasting techniques we learned on the North Island of New Zealand-

Imagine the scene. I'm sitting in my crazy print flannel pj's with Valentine slippers on my feet, hair is in a high ponytail. And if I'm confessing it all- my hair was in a high ponytail that was slightly off to the left. Captain J approaches me with my glass and cheese in his hand (not on a plate). He might as well have just taken the cheese out of the pocket of his Carhartts. He hands me the glass. We swish it around. We hold it up to our noses and pretend to detect various scents in the wine. We taste it. We close our eyes and savor. Next, we eat our cheese slices. Finally, we take another sip. And it's confirmed.

We still can't tell the difference from the really inexpensive wine from the regular inexpensive wine.

Captain J summed it up when he said, "The finer things in life are sometimes lost on people like us."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentine's Day, Lovers!

*First off, I just wanted to say to those of you who left comments and sent messages about my sweet boy yesterday- Thank you! I felt better reading that "Failure To Thrive" was more common than I originally thought and not always something to fret too much over. Honestly, you all made me feel much better. Thank you mucho.

Last V-Day, we were celebrating our love at the Olde Pink House in Savannah, Georgia. This year, we're enjoying a night in. We have plans to cook together after little K goes to bed and we'll likely stay up describing in detail how cool the other person is talking about how cool our kid is. I hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating all the people you love in your life.

Here's what Captain J has waiting for him when he gets home!

I'm so glad Baby K likes to craft as much as me. Just look how talented he is at only 6 months:

So proud.

Again, Happy V-Day, y'all! I'm guest posting over here today so head over and check that out, will ya? I'll be back here tomorrow with a recipe and a confession. Get pumped!


Mrs. K

Monday, February 13, 2012

Baby K's Progress

Yesterday I mentioned that Friday was a rough day for us. If you follow me on the various social networking sites, you probably already know why, but I would like to discuss it further here. This blog contains my celebrations in life as well as the scary parts so I couldn't leave this out because I was really very upset. Scratch that- I AM STILL upset.

Friday was his six month appointment. I've mentioned before that I have an unhealthy fear of going to the doctor. It's no different when I have to take my little boy in. It's not the possible pain part that scares me. It's the part where my doctor could possibly tell me that something is very wrong with me. Same goes for little man. I'm terrified.

Captain J came with me to the appointment- thank Heavens!

Because when we undressed Baby K to put him on the scale and the numbers 13.7 appeared, my heart sank.

Surely that's inaccurate?

It wasn't, though and the nurse's records on him confirmed what I was thinking. He hadn't gained weight in two whole months. When the doctor came around, he told us that this was highly unusual- something he had never seen before and that he wanted to have some tests run.

Not only did K have to get shots, he also had to have blood drawn from both of his tiny little arms. This was traumatizing for him (or so it seemed by his cries).

The question, remained though- Why is he not growing?

In the above photos, he might look bigger because of the way I took the pictures, but now I see that he really hasn't grown much. I don't think I noticed it because he is hitting most of the suggested milestones for his age that I didn't think to worry about his weight and height. Now, it's all I can think about.

Captain J thinks the switch to formula may have been part of the problem, but this is something we don't agree on. For the majority of this time, I was still breastfeeding. I don't know what the issue is- and maybe it's nothing. But being told your baby is under the status of "failure to thrive" is always alarming.

Then I get mad and remember all the times that I just knew something was wrong and the doctors told me his puking was normal or that "he'll quit eating when he's full". I know this to be false due to the consecutive hours I've spent with him latched on to me. To this day, he has never stopped eating when he is full. He'll take bottle after bottle if we let him, throwing most of it up along the way.

But this is beside the point.

Regardless, he weighs exactly the same amount as he did at four months. And he was quite small for four months. It's upsetting to see other small children who outweighed him just weeks after they were born. It scares me. Makes me worry. That's what I'm good at. I just never thought I would have a tiny baby. My family doesn't exactly produce small babies. Besides that fact, breastfed babies are usually plumper and more rounded and K was definitely a breastfed baby for the first 5.5 months of his life. It doesn't make sense.

Unless you know my hubby.

He's very tall and thin. He jokes that he barely is elligible for the Army according to their weight standards. So maybe just maybe, Baby K is just going to be skinny like his dad. Maybe there's nothing to worry about. Maybe I'm going to be the round one among the rails. ;) I don't know.

For now, we'll be going to the doctor much more often. We'll be feeding Baby K as much as he can stomach. Specialists are in his future. More testing is to come. And hopefully, we'll get this thing figured out.

We appreciate your prayers for our sweet boy. Thank you for continuing to pray with us, too! I'll keep you all updated on his progress. Let's hope I have some poundage to report next time, for him and NOT for me!


Mama K

(P.S.- Tomorrow I'll share all our Valentine's Fun. Stay tuned ;) )

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Project 365- Week 6

I dropped the ball again with the picture taking. I'm not sure what days go with what pictures but I think this is a pretty close guess. Sorry, it was a bit of a blurrrrrrr.

Day 36: I took care of a sick baby.

Day 37: The sun came out (I think?)

Day 38: I gave my new iphone a whirl by facetiming with my mom. Check out Baby K's face! Classic.

Day 39: After bath.

Day 40: Playin' with the pup.

Day 41: This was a terrible, awful day that I'll tell you all about tomorrow...but I snapped this photo while it was still an okay day.

Day 42: Baby K got carrots for the first time. 


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