Hello, from Cajun Country (Ft. Polk is more like Texas, though *sigh)! Our little town is hopping with Mardi Gras parades and festivities and I'm afraid I let the season sneak on by me. I've been busy writing and taking care of the little one that I must, sadly, report that I haven't done a single thing to celebrate. What a shame! We won't be in Louisiana long and I already wish I had made more of an effort to explore this unique culture.
When we rolled into town back in June/July, I kept seeing front doors decorated. At first glance, I thought that they must be having a party. Perhaps someone had a baby? Maybe that person just likes really tacky decorations? Then I saw another and another and another. What was going on?
Here's what I'm referring to-
Well, there ya have it. Versions of door decorations are everywhere now that we're actually in Mardi Gras season. As you can imagine, these Louisianians get really into it. Our neighbors still have their Christmas tree up and lit and I couldn't figure out why they were broadcasting that to the world as we're nearing March, but then I saw this and it all made sense-
You all know how crazy I am about decorating for Christmas, right? After seeing this, I was sad I took down all four of my trees before we were even a couple days into January. I could have had so much fun with this!
Zut alor.
Oh well. Next year.
(Pin here.)
Do you have celebratory plans? Do tell.
Regardless, may your week be festive and fun and full of beads you don't have to compromise your dignity for. ;)
(Pin here.)
(All other photos source: Mardi Gras Outlet)
Hope all the decorations are still up when we get there . I'm excited to see them! How fun ...lolly loves a party!
Love that first photo-- "Not my photo" LOL
I totally missed everything too. Didn't even have time to run out and buy a Kings Cake! Oh well. NEXT year. :)
I'm sure someone will have something up.
When I was as preggo as you are now, I wasn't really leaving the couch. Ha! So, in my mind, you have a better excuse to ignore holidays and/or do absolutely nothing. I doubt Sam will allow it, though! ;)
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