Many of you send me messages about the books I read so I thought I'd give you my take on recent devotionals I have read just in case you were in the market for a new one:
Road Trip: Five Adventures You're Meant to Live by Jen Hatmaker is a refreshingly witty and fun journey through God's word. It uses modern day scenarios to relate what God might be trying to tell us through scripture in an easy going yet focused way. It's a book you want to read, not one you are only reading because you feel as if you should read it. The chapters (or day by day studies) are short (Can I get an amen?), leaving time for you to reflect on what was written, pray, write, or go catch the latest episode of American Idol ;) This is perfect if you're a part of a women's small group or you're looking to start one!
And now for the...
I didn't enjoy He Said, She Said as much. I thought it would be different from what it really is. I was hoping for a couples devotional when I felt like I got a lot of honest personal stories that were prompted from single verses from the Bible, which is fine, but not what I was looking for. It offers some worthwhile food for thought, but overall I didn't feel God speaking to me through this book. It just wasn't my cup of tea, that's all.
(Note: I was not compensated for the review; all opinions are my own.)
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