Friday was his six month appointment. I've mentioned before that I have an unhealthy fear of going to the doctor. It's no different when I have to take my little boy in. It's not the possible pain part that scares me. It's the part where my doctor could possibly tell me that something is very wrong with me. Same goes for little man. I'm terrified.
Captain J came with me to the appointment- thank Heavens!
Because when we undressed Baby K to put him on the scale and the numbers 13.7 appeared, my heart sank.
Surely that's inaccurate?
It wasn't, though and the nurse's records on him confirmed what I was thinking. He hadn't gained weight in two whole months. When the doctor came around, he told us that this was highly unusual- something he had never seen before and that he wanted to have some tests run.
Not only did K have to get shots, he also had to have blood drawn from both of his tiny little arms. This was traumatizing for him (or so it seemed by his cries).
The question, remained though- Why is he not growing?
In the above photos, he might look bigger because of the way I took the pictures, but now I see that he really hasn't grown much. I don't think I noticed it because he is hitting most of the suggested milestones for his age that I didn't think to worry about his weight and height. Now, it's all I can think about.
Captain J thinks the switch to formula may have been part of the problem, but this is something we don't agree on. For the majority of this time, I was still breastfeeding. I don't know what the issue is- and maybe it's nothing. But being told your baby is under the status of "failure to thrive" is always alarming.
Then I get mad and remember all the times that I just knew something was wrong and the doctors told me his puking was normal or that "he'll quit eating when he's full". I know this to be false due to the consecutive hours I've spent with him latched on to me. To this day, he has never stopped eating when he is full. He'll take bottle after bottle if we let him, throwing most of it up along the way.
But this is beside the point.
Regardless, he weighs exactly the same amount as he did at four months. And he was quite small for four months. It's upsetting to see other small children who outweighed him just weeks after they were born. It scares me. Makes me worry. That's what I'm good at. I just never thought I would have a tiny baby. My family doesn't exactly produce small babies. Besides that fact, breastfed babies are usually plumper and more rounded and K was definitely a breastfed baby for the first 5.5 months of his life. It doesn't make sense.
Unless you know my hubby.
He's very tall and thin. He jokes that he barely is elligible for the Army according to their weight standards. So maybe just maybe, Baby K is just going to be skinny like his dad. Maybe there's nothing to worry about. Maybe I'm going to be the round one among the rails. ;) I don't know.
For now, we'll be going to the doctor much more often. We'll be feeding Baby K as much as he can stomach. Specialists are in his future. More testing is to come. And hopefully, we'll get this thing figured out.
We appreciate your prayers for our sweet boy. Thank you for continuing to pray with us, too! I'll keep you all updated on his progress. Let's hope I have some poundage to report next time, for him and NOT for me!
Mama K
(P.S.- Tomorrow I'll share all our Valentine's Fun. Stay tuned ;) )
Hey Darlin! Just catching up on your blog after a little break - Baby K looks so good and healthy!! He is pink and happy, and I must say, cute as can be. Growth rate is such an interesting thing in babies. little h grew SO fast and was huge at 6 almost 15 months, he has not gained a single pound (since 6 months)! Length-wise he is growing, and he seems perfectly fine. He eats well and drinks all of his milk...But we'll see what they say at the 15-month check-up. I am inclined to think the same as you - That genes play a big part in all of this. BIG hugs, Momma. And big kisses to Baby K :)
Oh girl. I'm so sorry to hear this. It is so disheartening to hear something like that, especially when he was hitting everything developmentally right on time!
I have such a hard time believing that the doctor had never seen this before though, and I don't think he should have said it out loud if that was really true because that just makes parents freak the hell out. Not that this helps, but Sam actually LOST WEIGHT between his 9 and 12 months visits (started crawling during that time). He has always been at the low end of the spectrum, and like you, I never in a zillion years dreamed that I would have a "skinny" baby. But I do! And I breastfed as well for the first 6 months. Steve says that the doctors are just used to seeing super-chunky, overweight babies and that makes Sam look puny to them. He contends that Sam really is a "lean, mean fighting machine" and nothing is wrong. So far, nothing *is* wrong. (I mean, besides the fact that he will not stay PEACH for the LOVE.)
I'm not doctor (ha! obviously!), but I do think that transitioning from breastmilk to formula might be part of it, and maybe he just needs more time to put on the weight. Has he started any solids yet? Maybe his little body is ready for more.
I have totally hijacked your comments now (sorry!), but I just wanted to let you know, that as a mama with a skinny baby too, I know where you're coming from and I hope everything turns out fine. Keep me updated!!! :)
My baby boy was 13 lbs. at 6 months, too. In fact, he finally broke 15lbs at nine months. At his first follow-up ( after birth) appointment, he had all ready lost weight. We went for tests, and were seen more often than the other babies...It was stressful and scary. I know. Now, he is just as you suspected with your boy and Captain J.; he is tall and skinny like his Daddy. I've tried to "fatten" him up. :)
I hope it is nothing and will continue to keep you and him in my prayers. Like you said, he might just take after his daddy. <3
Might be double posting, but first attempt did not seem to register.
Long story short-your story sounded familiar. I went back to my (so-called0 baby book to confirm. My daughter, Truda, was also about 13 lbs. at 6 month, in the 10th percentile, which was very worrisome. However, she did grow up happy and healthy-ask Jordan. Take heart and celebrate that Baby K is hitting all the developmental marks-that is fantastic! Best wishes!
It can be scary to hear something like that, for sure! You want to know WHY and HOW, and what's going on. I'll keep you guys in my prayers, and trust you'll keep up posted on things!
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