Monday, February 6, 2012


"You cannot know your identity in Jesus while begging for worth from mankind." (Jen Hatmaker)

On Friday, my family and I went over to our pastor's house for dinner with the "young" crowd which in our church means the 26-70 year olds. :) And I was the 26 year old! Anyway, as I mingled among my peers and was confronted with the question- "What do you do?" over and over, I wondered. What do I do? How do I define myself?

Many times when people are asked to describe themselves they start with their name closely follow by a job title or description. Me? I felt so inadequate saying mom, blogger, or freelancer. I felt awkward saying that I used to be a counselor, too because that feels like ages ago. So instead, I simply said that I stay at home with our new addition and left it at that. But when others were mentioning their roles as teachers, doctors, and lawyers, I began questioning just how I came to be the girl with no formal job title.

I've mentioned before that I never had any intention to be a stay at home wife and mother. When I was in college, it was my goal to take a semester off after graduation to travel/relax (and then get a job) and settle into school at the graduate level. Well, I did travel. I did relax. And I did find a job in counseling. But I also met Captain J and my life changed dramatically (for the better). School and career hit the back burner; I was in love. And love meant flying to Alaska at the drop of a hat. I couldn't be tied down!

Anyway, I came home from dinner that night feeling slightly self conscious about all of it.

Often times, God provides just the right scripture for me when I'm feeling down about certain things. Friday was no different. When I sat down to read through my latest bible study, I came across the woman at the well (see John 4). This story offers so many lessons, but the one I got from it that day was that it matters not what the world sees me as. The only definition I need for myself is that of a daughter of Christ. When I identify with him, anything is possible.

I learned (again) that I don't need a worldly definition. And actually, I'm happy to be the one who stays home, a military wife, and mother. Now, I can't imagine leaving Baby K's care to anyone else but me during the day. I know it's a blessing to be able to do this. I'm happy.

So while I AM a writer and a mother- those titles don't matter as much as who I am in the Kingdom of God. It was so nice to have that reminder.


L. Ford said...

Amen sister! Couldn't have said it any better!

Jenn said...

Beautifully said! Sometimes I think that I want "something more"- like, a paycheck. Lol but last Sunday, I left Sam in childwatch for 45 minutes during church and I had to go to the bathroom after I dropped him off because I was crying so hard. LOL so I don't think I'm cut out to re-join the work force anytime soon. ;)

Michele Mott said...

Ditto on "Beautifully said"
I was fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom. My kids are your age now. Would not have had it any other way. It is the most important job a woman can have. You are raising the future and doing a fine job, if I may say so.
God Bless

Mrs. K said...

Thank you. It really puts it into perspective when you say it that way!

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