Thursday, February 16, 2012

voice of reason

I'm bad about having expectations for my birthday and other holidays and when the day doesn't work out exactly how I imagined, I'm all -woe is me. On Valentine's Day, I was sure it would be a perfect day. It was a Tuesday so I had plans to go to PWOC, come home and clean up the house and decorate, and get ready for a romantic evening in with my man.

If we're friends on facebook, you know by now that my day just didn't quite turn out the way I had hoped by my status that read- "Today-3, Me-0" that was posted in the evening of February 14th.

(1) It all started with my (much too early) morning wake up call. For an unknown reason, Baby K decided to wake up at 3:30...for the day! Umm, no. I refuse. Not going to work little man. I finally was able to get him (and myself) back to sleep for another hour that day, but I wouldn't exactly call it a restful nights sleep. Determined, I got out of bed and began getting K ready to leave for my bible study group. I was so excited to go, especially because we missed last week because K Baby was sick. Our house was alive with the bustle of the morning when Captain J mentioned that he didn't have any clean socks (again). I told him to go look in the bag where I keep all the unmatched socks, a bag he didn't realize I had. He then remarked, "THAT'S where all my socks are." Which, I of course interpreted to mean that I was a terrible house wife because I couldn't keep clean or matched socks in his drawer. Ridiculous? Yes. But I wasn't operating on much sleep. Anyway...

(2) I dressed K in one of his sweet Valentine onesies and headed off to chapel without a shower and smelling like baby spit up. I dropped him off in childcare and 45 minutes later my pager was going off to come get him. I walked in and he was freaking out- again. And again, all the other little fellas in the room were quietly playing or sleeping. Ha! No biggie, I thought. I'll just bring him in the room with me. But he wasn't having that. He wanted a nap. He wanted his crib. And he wanted it now. Before ever sitting down to get into the lesson, I was packing up and leaving. And crying myself because of the stress of the last few weeks and my lack of sleep I'm a baby, too.

He cried most of the way home and fell asleep as we were pulling down our street. He woke up as I was bringing him through the door. I got him out of his car seat and he laughed. He laughed. Little stinker.

(3) I decided to post something for sale on a facebook for sale page but I forgot to take into account how mean (and ignorant) the general public can be. Epic fail. I posted the item by saying "$20 OBO (or best offer) and immediately got a text message asking if I would sell the item for a lower price. Sure, $15 is fine. I told her I WOULD take $15 but ya know...I still had best offer on the item. I return her text by saying someone else would pay 20 because I was getting messages left and right. She completely flipped out like a crazy person. She was texting me constantly saying how she wouldn't be treated like this, how it wasn't fair, and God bless me anyway.


What just happened?

I tried explaining to her what OBO meant but it was to no avail. This person was a grandmother, for crying out loud. She even told me she "really needed it." And then it all made sense. She must be one of these people who think the world owes her something- and that because she needs something, she should get it. This was not a need item, folks.

And I instantly felt icky for all the Christians in the world who truly mean it when they say "God bless you" because this woman was completely using those words to try to make me feel bad.

Because I care what other people think, I let her get me down. I worried about this mean person and for what reason? I finally realized that I was ruining a perfectly good Valentine's Day because of small, petty things in my life. I left the silly facebook group so as to never have to deal with her (or anyone else like her) again. Then I turned off the computer, put down my phone, and focused on my husband.

And you know what?

V-Day wasn't all awful. I got dressed (ha). Captain J and I had a wonderful candlelit dinner and he surprised me with an appointment for a massage, facial, mani, pedi, tanning, and makeup session. A "me day"- sounds perfect.

Thank you, J for being my voice of reason and my happy place. I love you!


Jennifer said...

Whoo people like that crazy lady are exactly why I'm NOT on facebook! Too much drama and I'm the same way in that something like that would totally get under my skin and dampen my day.
I'm glad you ended up having a nice dinner with your husband and I hope Baby K decides that he will enjoy some nice, long sleepy time SOON!

Mrs. K said...

I've thought about deleting it several times. Maybe one day I will!

amber m said...

What in the world?! I never understand the crazy people like that. Those sites freak me out, I've sold a few things and bought a few things on there, but every now and then I'll just go sit and read some of the posts and I always end up thinking, "wow!! Are you really that stupid?!"
Some of those people..... rude and just dumb.

Mrs. K said...

Ha! I used to do that on Craigslist, too. It's entertaining. I think I'm done shopping and selling, though. It's not worth the headache!

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