Thursday, February 23, 2012

Why I Decided to Give Up Facebook For Lent

It all started with my growing frustration with social media & networking. I don't think it's a bad thing at all, but I do think it is a time guzzler and a vacuum that just sucks you me in. Then, I saw that the lovely Laura was giving up Twitter for forty days and I thought that was a pretty good idea for her because she does like to tweet! :) Still, I didn't think much about making such a sacrifice because I never give up anything for Lent.

Perhaps you think Facebook is a silly thing to hand over? Well, for this stay-at-home military mom it isn't. It's how I connect with my family and friends who are far away. It may sound like it's not a big deal and to you, maybe it's not. But, I'm on Facebook a lot throughout the day. Like, mulitiple- times- an- hour a lot. All of that came to a (temporary) end today when I felt God leading me in a different direction...

I sat down to do my daily devotional and I came to the story in Luke 5. You will remember that this is when Jesus went down by the Lake of Gennesaret and he came to four fisherman who were cleaning their nets after a long, unsuccessful day at sea. Jesus asked Simon Peter to let the nets down one more time. He was hesitant to do so but he obeyed and when the nets came back up they were so full of fish that they needed two boats to haul the fish back to shore. The bible says the men were "astonished" (Verse 9). Then Jesus spoke saying, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will be fishers of men." It was then that the men left their nets and followed Him.

Peter's nets symbolized all he knew, his old way of living.

The prompt in the devotional asked- What are YOUR nets?

I wrote down-

approval of man, comparison, inferiority

And when I thought about why I do these things or feel that way, I thought about facebook. Most people on facebook share what is happy in their lives to the point to where it seems like some people have everything. They never fight with their husband or wife. Their baby never cries. So and so brought them flowers home from work. Job promotion! Their faith in God never ever falters, just look at their status for yet another reminder where you're lacking. I least that's what it can feel like.

Of course, this is rarely anyone's intention yet so often I've written on these various topics on this very blog. I talked about feeling inferior because I'm a stay at home mom. I've compared my life to other young moms by wondering why isn't he growing like their child is? Rolling over? Insert other fears I've had up until this point in raising him- the fears have been many.

And approval of man? It's so easy to fall into that trap on facebook. The other day one of my statuses got something like sixty (ish) "likes" which made me feel good for about a day. It's just ridiculous. It shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks. My life is not my own anyway. It belongs to the Father in Heaven who created me and will use me according to his plans.

When I started reading my study this morning, I had no idea that God would ask me to do something for Him. But by the end of it, I knew he was leading me to shut off facebook for awhile. He was almost whispering, "Give it up. Will you?"

I thought, hmm...can I? Is this really God talking to me? Does He really want me to do something so miniscule?

He did.

And I just did it. I deleted the app on my phone. I signed out on the computer. And I posted a reminder for good measure-

None of this is because I think social media & networking is a negative thing. I didn't do it for any other reason aside from wanting to trusting God and follow His direction. Perhaps He wants to show me to slow down and enjoy my little man more often. Maybe He's saying, "Instead of opening the app out of boredom while you're rocking him to sleep, look at your child a little bit longer. Use that time to pray for him." Who knows? I don't know yet.

I do know that my house will be a heck of a lot cleaner with this new development! Ha.

Anyway, I'll still be blogging and tweeting occasionally if you need me. Feel free to email or call me, too. I'm sad that I won't be able to stalk keep up with you all so write me every now and again and let me know how you're doing, mmkay?

I'll see all you Facebookers in April!


Mrs. K


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