Thursday, June 28, 2012

a Currently post

I haven't blogged much recently. Sometimes I sit down thinking- I have so much to tell them! Then I realize that finding a black widow spider at my backdoor and /or moving Baby K's crib mattress down a notch isn't exactly thrilling news. Just another day at the Mrs. K and Captain J household. Well, anyway- I may not have many adventure stories anymore but I'm glad you're here.
I thought I'd tell you what's been happening in our little life here.
Currently I am:

This book is really good. It's a fictional piece following the life of a man who seems to be at the lowest point of his life. He lost his job and then was fired from the next. Struggling to make ends meet, he becomes desparate. He then has an opportunity to travel back in time to gain wisdom and advice from some historical figures such as Anne Frank and Christopher Columbus. The story is entertaining and at the same time it's uplifting with words of wisdom that can be applied to my own life. I really like it.
This is my new favorite addition to my seemingly endless reality t.v. show collection on our DVR. If you don't like the Palin's, I don't wanna hear about it (kidding, kind of) because I think they're interesting, entertaining, and yeah- a good ole American family. I could be wrong but I think they're good people. Watching the show makes me miss Alaska, though. I just love how people leave you alone there. No one cares who you are or what you're doing as long as it doesn't infringe upon them. I just want a small town nestled in the mountains to call home but if you've been reading awhile, you probably already know that!
I told you Baby K had his first real photo sesh the other day, right? I was so proud of him. He giggled as the camera came out and his photos turned out so cute. I love that I will finally have some nice ones to frame. Photos were taken by Herald Photography. If you're in the Fort Polk area, look her up. She's awesome!

Anything productive. Captain J only goes into work briefly in the morning and then the rest of the day he is mine-all-mine (he has a little break this week). This makes for a very lazy Mrs. K. Perhaps this is why our suitcase from our trip is still sitting in the kitchen waiting to be totally unpacked and dishes are piling up in the sink. No one ever accused me of being all work and no play!

What have y'all been up to lately?


Chantal said...

Same old same old here too. Watching the baby wiggle. Cleaning. Cooking. Life's exciting, huh? ;)

Jenn said...

I am dying seeing baby k's pics! totally adorable! hahaha drama that is making me laugh my butt off.

Kristin said...

I like watching Alaska shows just because I think it's interesting the way they portray the place and I like to pick out the little things, like, "Oh you think it's summer, but they are wearing winter hats. Did you see that??"
"Promise Me" by Richard Paul Evans is a good book. It's a love story with an element of time travel.

Carissa said...

Oh my goodness! Can baby K be any cuter?! Heart is melting!
Haha! I love that quote about housework! I've never seen that before. I think I need to print it and stick it on my fridge!

Becca said...

ha! cute post :) Baby K is ridiculously adorable.

Caitlin Cavallaro said...

OMMMMMMG I seriously thought I was the ONLY ONE who watched Bristol Palin's show!!!!! When I was at home a few weeks ago I discovered the greatness of little Tripp and I seriously couldn't pry myself away (at the dissatisfaction of those around me).

I was not a big fan of the Palin's in any sense of the word, but, honestly, I love that show. And I really like Bristol!! Like... a lot.

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