Saturday, June 9, 2012

Salmonella Scare

I can see the light! It's there. It's faint. But I see it! This rotation is almost over and I couldn't be more ready for it to be. I want my husband back.
Captain J has been coming home the last few nights so I kinda, sorta have him back a little, but he can only stay for a few hours (read he comes home to sleep for a few hours). Either way, Baby K is in bed long before he gets here and he is gone before he wakes up so I'm still rockin' the single parent role for a few more days. Thankfully, my babe has been such a good boy and I'm beginning to knock those awful first trimester sickies.
Speaking of sickies, I had this AMAZING recipe I was going to share with you today, but then THEN...I poisoned my entire family. I'm kidding, I hope. I made the most delicious Cajun pasta yesterday. It was so tasty! I fried some chicken to put on top of it and some of it may or may not have been cooked all the way through. Some of the pieces were thicker than others and I didn't check them all. Perhaps I should start! Anyway, I warned Captain J when he got home that the thinner pieces were probably good but if he chose to eat a thicker piece, he should check it. Then I told him four more times.

Two bites into his THIRD PLATE, he says "oh, babe this isn't cooked at all!" as if I had never uttered a word about undercooked chicken possibilities.
"I told you to check!"I said while acting like I didn't care in the slightest. In reality, I retreated to the bedroom with iPhone in hand to google if we were all going to die that night. I was so worried, y'all. I couldn't sleep. I even asked Twitter for prayer. I just knew I'd poisoned my poor husband and my tiny fetus inside me.
We awoke this morning with no sign of a salmonella attack so fingers crossed we're in the clear. Only time will tell.
Yummy pasta hasn't been the only thing that made me happy this week. I got flowers! My online pal in Alaska sent me a lovely bouquet and brightened my week considerably. I feel so blessed to have met and "met" so many of you online because of this blog. I hope you know that I consider many of you friends. You all are great!

Thanks again, Nina!

I think I'll chalk last night up as another freakout moment courtesy of my hypochondriac tendencies or perhaps Murphy wanted one last kick at me when I was down moment. That's fine. Next week, I will prevail. You'll see.


Kristin said...

I've definitely had my moments like this! Glad you aren't actually sick!

Anonymous said...

From now on, bake the chicken for an hour at 400, flipping once (or twice) half way through. That way it will be cooked thoroughly. A friend of mines 10 year old son had salmonella a week ago... and let me tell you this... he has about a YEAR to recover from it. I am not trying to scare you so don't think that. And FYI.. it would've hit you within 12 hours or less. You are okay. Just make sure to bake it from now on. I am very funny about food. I had food poisoning once and it wasn't fun. 24 hour old turkey hash that sat out all day and night... and I ate it the next day... stupid me. I had salmonella. It was sooo bad! But you are okay :)

hmb said...

It does look delish...hopefully you are all in the clear!!

Amber Nicole said...

Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you guys didn't die! That's scary! I hate when you discover things are undercooked AFTER eating them. I get all paranoid too.

AlanaMarie said...

Glad your family didn't get sick! You should share the recipe anyway though, I love a good past recipe!

Carissa said...

AHH! I'm glad to hear it was just a scare and not actual food poisoning! That's something I'm always so afraid of! In fact I don't think we've eaten properly cooked chicken in years. I am so afraid of undercooking that I overcook till it's super dry!

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