Thursday, June 14, 2012

10 Months

Dear Baby K,
You're in the double digits now! Happy 10 Months, my boy. I can hardly believe you've been on the earth almost a full year. You're growing up so fast and it makes my mama heart swell with pride and fear. I don't want you to leave me, after all. Pretty soon, you'll have other friends and won't want to hang out with me anymore.
This month, I've held on to you a little bit tighter. I've cherished those times at night when you'll allow me to rock you awhile before I put you to sleep. As my belly grows with your little brother or sister inside, I find myself a little sad that my lap is running out of room for you to stretch out and sleep. You are getting so big, my dear.

You have begun to pull yourself up to a standing position sometimes. If I place you in a spot where you have something to hold on to, you'll stand there forever relishing in the fact that you're doing it by yourself. It's so fun to watch. Bath time continues to be a favorite time of the day as you love to explore and splash! When we get you out, you giggle at your reflection in the mirror and wave like a madman at yourself. We're still working on waving to strangers, though. 
You say "hi", "dada" and "mama" now, but I'm under no impression that you really know what it means quite yet. Once you signed "milk", but perhaps it was a coincidence. I'm still plugging away trying to teach you signs, but I'm afraid your dad confuses you when he tries to make them up as he goes along!
It's rare, but sometimes you crawl backwards. Sometimes you walk backwards in your walker. But if you need to get around, rolling is still your primary transportation preference. You'll get there, kid.
You've got two teeth on the bottom and you're as cute as ever.
Look how far you've come:

Love you to the moon and back,


Chantal said...

Getting so big! It's so fun to watch them grow.

Karen said...

He is so adorable. Nora rolled around for the longest time and then all of a sudden just started crawling. Happy 10 months Baby K!!

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