How To Get Anything You Want Just Like That!
I don't know anyone who doesn't want to know that little gem of info. We're all searching for something, right? Needless to say, I thought I would really like this book. My background is in the helping professions and I assumed that I would find Janet Poole's book useful and relatable. If I'm being honest, there are several excellent points in it. There were multiple times when I was scribbling in my notebook thinking, "Oh, that's good!" or "Yes. That is absolutely important to remember." The flip side of the coin, though is one that is not so relatable for me. For instance, the very first sentence starts off, "Did you know that you are entitled to have anything you want?" Perhaps this set the tone for the rest of the book for me since I completely disagree with everything about that sentence.
There were other things about this way of thinking that irked me, too. The author describes that each of us are gods (p. 7), a belief that is fundamentally against what I, as a Christian, believe. Poole discusses past lives and freely dishes out lots of feel good advice and tools toward getting what one wants out of the present life.
What did I like about the book? It's food for thought. No matter what you believe, it's important to know why you believe that. It's important to step outside of your box and expand your mind. One of my favorite quotes says:
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle
With that being said, the book also contains several key concepts that I wholeheartedly believe to be true. There's an emphasis on making changes in thinking in order to create change in life. This is absolutely something that I've found to be true in my life and in the lives of people I've worked with in a counseling setting. There's also an emphasis on loving and valuing the self which is important for self growth, in my opinion.
In addition to these pearls of wisdom, there are also summaries and exercises to accompany each chapter.
Want a copy? The first person to comment on this post will get their very own! And maybe the second person, too ;) Facebook comments will not count- it must be a blog comment.
(Note: I was provided this book as well as compensated for this review. All opinions are my own and may differ from yours.)
I would love a copy. :)
Glad to see you're still reading! I need to keep up on that part of my life. Miss you girl!
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