Thursday, July 8, 2010

A beep-no-more vlog

Head on over to Mama M's page, My Little Life, to play along!


Tracita Linda said...

Mrs K-- I love the new look, so Fresh and so CLEAN! Thanks for the birthday wishes and Happy Friday!

I'm gonna go ahead and do the 5QF as well!

Enjoy your weekend...since I see you like books too- make sure you share your recommendations!!

I love the out-of-the-box ideas about our familiar way of looking at God in The Shack. It's definitely thought-provoking and it also goes to show how small our thinking is compared to His greatness! I'm looking forward to finishing it...and might use it as the first book in my book club!

Mama M. said...

You are too cute! My 8 year old is totally intrigued by vlogs...and she loves watching yours! I talked to her about the sun in Alaska in summer and she was totally impressed. Then I told her about the sun in winter...and she was shocked!

I'm totally impressed with your music taste in 5th grade! My 14 year old recently bought some Journey and Bon Jovi off of iTunes...I was shocked. Soooooo glad he doesn't like the hip hoppy stuff! ;)

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