Saturday, July 3, 2010

Old Glory, Halibut, and Family

Happy Fourth of July! I can't tell you how blessed I feel to have been born in the greatest country in the world. I still believe in America and her greatness and I'm proud to be a part of the land of the free and the home of the brave. I'm even prouder to be a military spouse, something I never thought I would be. My thoughts and prayers are with all those families who don't have the priviledge of spending this holiday with their loved one/soldier. Thanks to all those who serve!

Speaking of the greatest country in the world...

I've been exploring the gloriousness that is the state of Alaska. My sister and brother-in-law paid Captain J and me a visit this past week which explains my recent hiatus from this blog (sorry!). We packed the truck down with all sorts of luggage and made the eight-ish hour drive to Seward, Alaska. Stop Number One?, of course!

We were pleased to have good weather while we were fishing. The drive down was dreary and rainy so the pleasant weather and good fishin' brought smiles to our faces. I'd just like to say...

I caught the most fish out of the four of us! (*8 feeshy feeshies) Woo hooooo!

I didn't catch the biggest one, though.

These were the biggest fish I have ever caught far. I had so much fun reeling in halibut, cod, and arrow tooth flouder fish. A girl can get spoiled doing the charter thing. It just seemed so easy. I'll tell you what wasn't easy, though- Reeling in time and time again is a workout! I created my own style which most people on the boat were probably snickering at, but it worked for me. The (boat) Captain told me I won the style award. Ha!

We saw a lot of wildlife, as usual, too. My sister, Paige, got some good photos of mountain goats grazing a nearby area:

This trip south was only the beginning of their visit. We got into all kinds of fun all week, but I'll have to save that for a later post. I'm going to get off the computer now and watch Star Wars (if I must) with my dear Captain J. I hope you all had a great week in my absence and I hope this one coming up is even better!

Let's talk soon, shall we?



Jenn said...

that looks like so much fun! Love the fishing style comment lol

Twelve in One « Mrs. K and Captain J said...

[...] was awesome as we hosted our first (and only) visitors to Alaska (Read about fishing for Halibut with my sister and brother-in-law here). Drifter continued to thrive and my love for him blossomed (as I found out [...]

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