Tuesday, July 27, 2010

hello, laziness

Last time my husband left for any length of time, I slept with the shotgun loaded beside our bed (and worried that drunken bafoons would enter my home), albeit the shotgun wasn't exactly loaded properly...ahem...anyway, moving on. The point is that I know how to load it now (and shoot it if I might add)!

Now that Captain J is away again, I'm doing much better. I guess it gets a little easier each time as far as doing my own thing and being content with a routine or lack thereof. Yesterday I went on another hike out on Chena Hot Springs Road. The weather decided to cooperate despite the forecast looking shabby so I loaded up the truck with fishing gear and dog number one and hit the road. After a short 3 miler, I drove down the road and hit up our favorite fishing spot. I'll admit I felt really bad for leisurely fishing while my poor, better half is out training with the U.S. Army. I didn't feel too bad, though--I was having too much fun!

That night, Nicole, Sarah, and I settled in to watch one of our silly secret indulgences which I can't tell you about. It comes on the family channel and that's all I'm sayin'! We had fun talking about past experiences and making fun of ourselves for enjoying the show. The girls evening in made for a late night so I enjoyed sleeping in late and not having to wake up early to cook breakfast.

Today was lazy! Aside from nearly breaking my hand (and that may be dramatic) and missing my husband like crazy, I'm doing well. I miss him, but I'm okay!

P.S.- The dogs played together today! Progress. Yay!!


household 6 hooah said...

My husband asked me how I would feel about moving back to Alaska and I said, "I would prefer some where esle". But you are making me rethink that! And the only reason that I am hesitant is that I have 4 children that need help getting dressed! LOL The idea of getting them ready with the cold weather gear seems like too much to me!

Mrs. K said...

Yes! It does seem like such a chore! I was afraid to take a job substitute teaching here because I just knew I'd forget some poor child's glove at recess! I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Kimmie said...

I am going to try to refrain from the "mom" thing and I am NOT going to comment on a 3 mile hike by yourself. Yes I know....you had dog #1 with you but still......glad you are having fun this time around...Joe says to tell you...he thinks its great that you went fishing by yourself....he says he's taking you to the Clinch when you come home!

Lydia said...

how long is your husband away for? :(
it's nice that your having fun though! makes time pass faster!!

Jenn said...

I have yet to figure out this when J is away. I'm always so bored and it incredibly hot here now so hiking might have to come later! I'm glad your having fun!

Mrs. K said...

He will be home this weekend, but then he leaves again for a couple weeks next week. boo!

Mrs. K said...

I'd love to go trout fishing. Sounds good! Miss you.

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