Friday, July 23, 2010

I'm Rambling.

Howdy! It's meme time! The first video is for Mama M.'s Five Question Friday. The second is Wife of a Sailor's Milspouse Friday Fill-In. I hope you enjoy!


kimbodarlin said...

Pea Green Purple and Sky Blue Pink are not crayon colors....Your Mimi used to say that when we would ask what color something was. Loved your ramblings.....! Mom

Jenn said...

haha I love your answers. I need to get back to doing vlog style. Is it weird I miss doing it that why? That is cute that you are having a fish fry for your guests. I'm incredibly jealous that you are at a real post. I'm craving leaving here already even though I know it means J is going to deploy.

Mrs. K said...

I wish you were up here already, Jenn!

Mama M. said...

You and me both, girl! My bum needs the good stuff! Loved your vlog, as always!!

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