Friday, July 16, 2010

Vlog Central y'all!

I pictured Paula Deen saying that title and it made it a lot cooler for me. Anywho, if you're here from Mama M's 5QF blog hop then you've come to the right place! If you're looking for Wife of a Sailor's Milspouse Friday Fill In, you needn't fret...just scroll down a bit. It's the second video :) Thanks for taking a peek!


Wifey said...

My husband is such a sushi fiend too! But I can't do it. Just. Can't.

Thanks for joining this week. Hope to see you next week!

S.I.F. said...

I know he was completely interrupting you, but that is seriously the most beautiful dog ever! So gorgeous!!

Jenn said...

I find it hysterical that we both put the hand wax burns as our scar answer. oh and sushi reminds both of us of our husbands. lol

Jenn said...

ah I just remembered I have a killer home made brownie recipe I'm going to send you once I find it. I'm a better baker then cook but I promise it is easy. it doesn't help you now but maybe in the future.

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