What a month it has been for you. You're a whopping 19 lbs and you're in the 25th percentile for height. Your head is lookin' good, too, my man. No more specialists for you. I'm happy that you are healthy and thriving. Any day now, it looks like you might start crawling. You get in position and rock back and forth. You plank, too! Then you get so incredibly angry that you aren't moving that you end up crying and plopping down so you can roll. You're ready to start chasing after your brother, but you're just not quite there yet. I think you'll be mobile within a week.
Your personality is developing and it's so sweet. In the mornings you grace us with your gummy smile and shriek with excitement after your morning milk. You play nicely with your toys until your brother wakes up and I'm thankful for that time in the a.m. when I can guzzle coffee in a quiet peace.
You look a lot like my baby photos and that makes me smile. You also are addicted to your mama. If I'm in the room, no one else will do. If you can see me, you want to be right up on me, on my hip, in my face, whatever gets you close to me. I know I'll miss these times!
My favorite times are when you are sleepy and cuddly. Those times are rare, but I yearn for them weekly. Sometimes I want nothing more than to curl up with you in bed and look at how beautifully perfect God made you. I wonder what sort of man you will become.
I love you so so much.
awe. he's adorable.
Precious boy, happy 9 months!
Happy 9 months A!
Aw he's getting so big! I know he's got to be frustrated not being able to catch K, but at the same time, so nice for you that he will stay relatively put. ;) As much as I like to see my kids meet milestones, I don't exactly look forward to the movement-related ones. haha
What a cutie!!
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