Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Boo hoo.

Phil. 4:6-7

Oh, friends. This week has been nuts. I left my 37 week baby appointment feeling pretty good considering my blood pressure was down. I was ready to ward off any suggestions of inducing because I desperately want this kid to come in his own time. I was feelin' alright! The next day was one for the books, though. I had two appointments scheduled for Abel and when my babysitter was a no call/no show, I scooped up both of the boys and headed off to the appointments with them in tow. Speech therapy was a bit of a disaster. The toys that the therapist wanted Abel to play with were precisely the ones that Kinley wanted to play with. She had no problems getting him to talk! It was so distracting and I could see the repercussions of bringing big bro on Abel's face. He was much less vocal when he had to share the stage with him. Meanwhile, I'm having regular, frequent contractions. I started to get worried on the way to the next appointment so I kept my eye on the clock as I drove and realized my contractions were 3-4 minutes apart. Come to think of it, I hadn't felt Baby M move in awhile. I called and cancelled the second appointment and my great aunt came over to watch the boys so I could go to my doctor and find out what was going on. Once I got there, he started moving about with all the poking and prodding and my mind was set at ease. They told me I was slightly dehydrated. I believed it! I had hardly had time to eat or drink that day. 
There were a few good days in between then and my next appointment for 38 weeks, but there were some rough ones, too. I still haven't stopped contracting, although they are obviously not as regular. The worst part is that I feel them in my back. No wait, the worst part is that THE CONTRACTIONS AREN'T DILATING ME. Braxton Hicks contractions that hurt and I find difficult to breathe through at times? This is for the birds, y'all.
Late last night, I was up for hours with flu-like symptoms and lots of more of the same. Because I had an appointment scheduled today, I decided to wait it out at home and see what was going on. I cancelled one of Abel's appointments this morning and tried to lay on the couch for most of the day, but have you ever tried to do this with two toddlers running around? It's nearly impossible. I yelled when I shouldn't have. My patience- out the window. Finally appointment time rolled around and I just couldn't wait to at least have someone else take over for awhile so I could go figure out what was going on. In my heart, I wanted Doc to tell me - "Wow, you're a four! Let's admit you and have a baby tonight." Instead what she told me was that I have a stomach bug and am really dehydrated. "If you're not significantly better by morning, we need to admit you to pump fluids into you." Boo hoo. Not at all what I wanted to hear.
Anyway, I'm truckin' along. I went to get some Gatorade and already feel a little better by chugging those. Water just wasn't doing the trick apparently. I'm hoping that these unpleasant symptoms will subside soon. I have a certain cutie pie who has his third birthday coming up this weekend! I hope we can make it special for him.
As always, thanks for following along with our lives and truly caring about my well-being. I'm continually blessed by each of you who leave nice words for me to sign in and read and by those who take time to send cards and words of encouragement. Y'all are the best. I appreciate you listening to me whine ;)


Jen said...

I hope you start feeling better! Hugs!

Fran said...

Boo! I hope you start feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Wow! You have your hands...and belly...full! I pray that you are feeling better soon and are more ready for Baby M. to arrive. I am glad that it's nothing too serious. We both know that it's nothing God and you can't handle. You are a strong an admirable woman. Lots of love and well wishes are headed your way from me. Blessings!

Chantal said...

Keep healthy and relax when you can!!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Praying for you Momma! Hang in there

Lisa C said...

Drink that Gatorade! Praying for a smooth last few weeks!

Anonymous said...

Praying for your health, get well soon!

Sarah @ The Not Quite Military Wife said...

Yikes, hope you start to feel better soon!

Jenny @ Creatively Blooming said...

Contractions + the stomach bug? Blah! Hope you're feeling better soon! Keep drinking that Gatorade, and hang in there!

Danielle said...

Maybe this is go time :) I felt flu like before too! Although, I can totally relate to useless BH. They drove me absolutely batty. I was in prelabor for three days with both kids! It was awful and so exhausting and frustrating. Praying for some rest for you, mama! You got this :)

Babbling Brook said...

Hope things get better soon, and that your little one has a great birthday!

Sunflowers & Love

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