Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

I knew this would happen.

I braved the dusty, sticky steps of the staircase barefooted to float downstairs to the extra bedroom that inhabited my family less than 24 hours before. I miss them already.

I've never really been away from my family. Sure, I've traveled but that was only temporary. I suppose I was "away" from them in college, but nothing a short drive on the interstate couldn't fix. When I moved up to Alaska last August, it was a huge change for me in so many ways but it was especially difficult because I was leaving behind so many people I care for.

Now, I'm sitting here on my couch in Fairbanks, Alaska. My thoughts are a million miles away, though- with all the people I love and miss dearly. I wonder how they'll be celebrating the Fourth. I'm sure Mom, Joe, and Jake will make a pit stop at the parade. They'll probably score some candy as they stand on Pap's front lawn visiting with family and friends. Dad, Julie, and the kids are surely celebrating on their new boat out on the lake, watching fireworks, and listening to good music. Meaghan is getting into all kinds of trouble out on the water, too and I'm sure Laura, Miranda , and the rest of my friends have fireworks plans in the mix. I wonder how my sister and her kids will celebrate the big day. It is sure to include a "happy birthday" song to their daddy who shares his birthday with the ole U. S. of A. I'm thinking of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, and friends alike and wishing desperately that I could be back in Dixie just for one night.

But when I focus on why I'm here--in support of my husband, the United States soldier, my heart swells with pride. It's because of people like him, defenders of freedom, that allow me to enjoy being born into this country and into the family that I was graced with. For now, I'll focus on the luxury of having Captain J stateside this year for this special holiday. But please know all you Tennesseeans reading: You are missed!

Happy 4th of July to you all!


louise barnes said...

Please thank Captain J and all his friends for defending the freedom that we hold dear and that we fear is slipping out of our grasp. Give him a special hug from Tennessee and you be brave even though you are homesick!

Kimmie said...

Love you guys and this Tennessean can't wait to see you soon! Mom

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