Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thank you (a hearing update)

I found out today that our insurance won't cover any of the expense of A's hearing aids. We are signed up with a program specific to TN that will eventually pay for the hearing aids, but we will have to wait. No one seems to know how long. I've been frustrated at this process because my hands are always tied. The doctors/audiologists agree that he shouldn't wait to start using the hearing aids. While they won't likely help him to hear, they will keep the nerve active so that when he eventually (hopefully) is implanted with the cochlear device, it will be beneficial for him. Some people say this particular program will get organized within a month or so. I've also heard stories of folks who ended up waiting 6-9 months to get them to pay. That is not an option.
I've been calling them all day today to find out more information, but it has been to no avail. I can't get them to call me back. We are likely just going to bite the bullet and pay, but in the back of my mind I'm thinking, "How many more expenses like this will pop up?" Between all the medical bills and the new babe on the way and the new house, I feel so stretched financially. Not a day goes by that I don't think about finding a job. I don't know anyone who would hire a pregnant gal who is due in just a few months, but it's a thought I entertain.
In addition to that news, I also talked with an audiologist who said that his hearing loss was likely genetic. We will go for testing next month, but she said due to the history of his child birth (normal, natural) and babyhood (normal), she could see no explanation for it. The degree of hearing loss he has is not something that infections could cause. Which means, we should definitely do genetic testing to see how at risk baby #3 is for the same issues. Of course, that makes me quite sad. 
I was feeling so overwhelmed by it all today and then I got to the mailbox and found a card addressed to my sweet boy. Inside were names of all the people in Philadelphia, TN who had been praying for him and that brightened me up. Thank you all so much for your prayers.

God is writing his story and mine and I wouldn't change a thing. I just need to be reminded occasionally that He's in charge. We have nothing to fear.

"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you..." - Psalm 55:22


Jen said...

Praying for you all! What a wonderful car to get in the mail.

Lisa C said...

Hoping you hear good news! Have you looked into consulting? Given that you're working on a Masters', you might be able to do some at home work.

Kristin said...

I agree with the fact that God is writing our stories. Some things have been happening around here that are making me believe that my story isn't actually mine. God's writing it. I wish I would've thought of it this way years ago.
Thinking of you and your family!

Unknown said...

Medical expenses can be so stressful, but especially when it's for your child and you know how much they need it. I hope that the program can come through for you! Thinking of you and your family!

Shannon said...

That card was definitely a gift. I'm sorry you're going through so much.

As a side note, of all Alex's therapies, hearing aids, batteries and appointments are fully covered by our county. We enrolled him in early intervention and because he was deaf he immediately qualified. Not sure if you have something like that in your state (we are in NY), but almost all states have some form of early intervention for kids like Alex and your little A.

Kate @ Daffodils said...

I can't imagine the pain and fear you are going through but you seem to have such grace about it all. I will be praying that you can get the costs covered and have some more answers. Baby #3 will be just as bright and beautiful as your other boys! Hang in there, Momma

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