Monday, January 13, 2014

Bullet Points

Quick! Someone think of a job I could do (B.S. in Psychology + unfinished M.S. in Marriage & Family Therapy= basically useless) that will earn enough money to put both the kids in daycare AND who will hire a pregnant gal.


Ya, I've got nothin' either.

I try to come up with it almost every day yet I know I'll look back on these times with my kids and I'll miss them.

Just as an update:
* Baby A's appointment for a hearing test was pushed back and now it is tomorrow. Thanks to many of you who sent encouraging words and prayers, I have a sense of peace about it all. I was overwhelmed by all the kind words sent on the blog, via facebook, and texts and calls. Thanks so much! I will keep you updated on little man.

*I fear #mrskgetsfit is on hold. Baby number three is not making it easy on Mama. I feel sick most days. Couple that with the fact that my oldest has decided he no longer naps, I'm about to go crazy. I was just saying today that I NEED exercise in my life, but I just haven't made the time lately. I have a small window of time when I feel productive in the early evening, but housework usually takes up that time. Where has my motivation gone? My last run was over a week ago:

*All this couch sitting has me indulging in my favorite reality shows of the season. Of course, I'm following along with Juan in his search for love on The Bachelor. And I'm loving all the transformation on The Biggest Loser. How sad is it that this is what I look forward to during the week?

*This is possibly the best bullet point of them all. I think we found a church we like yesterday. Finally! Perhaps Sundays will return to the position of what I look forward to each week.

*Speaking of fantastic things, I spent almost an entire Saturday with my bestie doing absolutely nothing and it was just what the doctor ordered. We went to her niece's basketball game, grabbed a bite to eat, went antique perusing, and hiked around a tiny bit. It was perfection!

*Also, the Captain and I celebrated our four year anniversary recently. Hoping and praying for many more to come!

*Yesterday, I realized it has been a whole year since I've shot a gun. Not cool.

*Bullet point blog posts-- the way to go.

Until next time,


Unknown said...

*Don't worry about the job as your career will come if that is what you choose when you are really ready for it. You are an intelligent woman and I know you truly love being home with those babies. * I am praying for Baby A and y'all * Mrs. K. as a very fit body for a pregnant lady and that will help her during this pregnancy and after...she is doing her best. ;) *There is nothing wrong with indulging in some couch sitting you don't plant your roots there long enough to sprout potatoes and reality shows are keeping you sane. * a bog CONGRaTULATIONS! on the church. That is ao importing and I pray your church shopping is over. Sunday is my favorite day. * I am glad you got some time with the bestie! You both look extremely happy about your day together. * Happyyy Anniversary!! I foresee many more wonderful years together. :D * about that gun shooting...I am certain you will be itching to do that after Baby makes 5 is born...sounds like a date to me. * bullet-point reponses to this blog post-the way to go! <3 Blessings, Kristine

Unknown said...

Well, we can see phone responses aren't my best...haha!! I am sure you will find your way to the point through all those typos! :D

Kym said...

I always tell myself a short workout is always better than no workout :)

Kathryn B said...

I love bullet point posts. I think they are some of my favorite. I hope Baby A's appointment goes well tomorrow. Have you thought of one of the direct selling companies that you could basically work from home? (i.e. Origami Owl and Scentsy) Yea for your 4 year anniversary!!!!! And Yea for time with best friends! They truly are the best medicine!

Chantal said...

Bullet points are the way to go! Glad to hear an update!

Fran said...

Yay for finding a church! Hope Baby A's appointment went well!

Brittany Sommer said...

You look amazing though!!! Yay for church! We recently found our church home and we couldn't be happier! Hope baby A's appointment went well!!!

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