Tuesday, January 7, 2014

my secret

There's been this little secret, one I hardly talk about on here. I mention it to friends and family, but I've never really talked about it here because that makes it real. It's out there and then everyone knows what consumes even the smallest corners of my brain. It's about this little cutie:

He isn't talking. Not at all.

Everyone always anxiously awaits those moments when their baby starts to babble or coo. Recording devices are brought out and pretty soon social media is up to date on the tiny baby who is making language sounds at just a few months old. It's incredible really. That's why when Baby A wasn't doing those things, I pushed it to the back of my mind knowing that both my boys typically hit their suggested milestones just a little later than most. He'd be okay.
He's 13 months now. Still, the only sound I've ever heard from him are cries and screams (and the best laughs you've ever heard). He doesn't say ma, da, ba, la much less "mama" or "dada". It makes me sad for him, but even more than that it makes me irritated on a daily basis which in turn makes me feel awful for feeling that way. The poor child can't tell me what he wants. I know his peers are leaps and bounds ahead of him in that department. I suppose we should start diligently teaching sign language. It's not just me that it bothers. His brother is frustrated daily with him because some days all he does is scream over and over. He wants to talk so badly but he just can't. I don't even know where to start.
We are starting, though. I mentioned to the doctor (again) his issue in development and he seemed pretty alarmed. We've switched doctors so many times as we moved that I don't think he quite understood when I mentioned it the first few times to him. There were other issues to attend to. His docs before that continued to tell me to keep an eye on it. Well, I have and what I've noticed is zero improvement. After speaking with the pediatrician at his one year well baby appointment, I got some other appointments set up. The first step is to check his hearing. Friday we went to an ear, nose, and throat guy for five minutes just for him to tell me that he couldn't check his hearing because of ear wax build up.
The kid has always had a lot of ear wax.
This is getting gross, isn't it?
Anyway, we are painfully dropping in medicine to those sweet little ears every night to flush them out for his next attempt at a hearing test on Wednesday. I'm trying not to be worried.
If it's not his hearing that is the problem, then we are all set to see a developmental specialist for a complete review.
I was talking to my aunt about it over Christmas and she said something that I'm trying to focus on. I'm paraphrasing here, but it was along the lines of:
God made him who he is. It doesn't matter if there's something "wrong" in our eyes. He's still perfect the way he was made.
And so I'm embracing her words. I'm lucky to have her wisdom in my life and I'm trying to change my thoughts toward positivity. I know it will all be okay...

because really? He is perfect.


Jamie said...

Anxiously awaiting more information from the doctors. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Anonymous said...

My son (now 4) didn't talk until he was 30 months old. He started speech therapy at that point with only 4 'words' (only my husband and I could decipher them) and soon his vocabulary exploded. We went through the same array of tests to rule out any compounding disorders but at the end of the day, he was diagnosed with a simple speech delay. He still goes to speech therapy once a week and I can't sing enough praises about it! Best of luck on your journey. For what it is worth, my son also has a lot of ear wax that needs to be professionally flushed out every so often. Your little boy is beautiful!


Kathryn B said...

Sending positive thoughts your way. I love that last picture! Our son has some speech issues as well (sees a speech therapist and other people are finally able to understand him), it's hard being a parent and seeing your child struggle. Just know that you love him and he loves you. Your Aunt is right, he was made perfect :)

Anonymous said...

Thinking and praying for you guys. Eager to hear more.

Lisa C said...

Hopefully, it's something as treatable as ear wax buildup! And just know that Albert Einstein didn't speak until he was three.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all. That's gotta be so hard but I agree, he is perfect!

Katie said...

Your definitely right!
He is Perfect!!!

Jen said...

Sending positive thoughts your way and you are right he is so perfect!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you! Baby A is perfect how God made him!

Jessica @ Better Together and Forever said...

Thinking and praying for you, Baby A and family! If you need anything, please let me know! :)

Jen said...

I've been struggling with the doctors and my son for 3 years. He still barely speaks so we've been to all kinds of doctors. I hope you guys find help soon!

Bethany and Isaac said...

I'm glad the doctors are really listening now and I'll pray that they find a solution. But I agree: he is how God made him, and he is wonderful. :)

erika said...

Oh, sweet baby. I will be praying. It's so hard worrying about our kids. Hang in there. <3

Jenn said...

Oh but he's the cutest, girl. I commented on IG already, but after reading your full post, I thought I'd comment again and tell ya that I've been there, done that, and oh hey- doing it again! I dread trying to get Molly any sort of help here.. But at almost 2 years old, I need to just do it already. Hoping all the tests come back showing nothing more than some earwax and a stubborn spirit! ;)

Kate @ Daffodils said...

I just posted on your instagram too, but Bennett talked waaaay later than Cullen. Like wasn't even doing animal sounds until he was almost two. But I can understand your worry and will be praying that everything goes okay at his next check up!

Fran said...

Oh, you sweet mama. Thinking of you and sending good thoughts to you and your little one <3

Unknown said...

It is so anxiety filling to feel in your mama heart that there might be something different {wrong seems too strong a word} with your baby. You are a good mom for advocating for him this early and looking into the situation.

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