Thursday, January 16, 2014

Guard Your Heart

I try to make it a point to read scripture to our kids in whatever capacity I can. Sometimes it's a few words from a toddler bible with stories broken down into the simplest form. Other times, the boys are listening in as J and I do our morning bible study. I just want them to hear and see us trying to learn more because I'm hoping something like that will stick in their brains that Mama and Daddy want God's will in their lives...because honestly, I don't know that I'm ever much of a good example to that in my actions. I'm frustrated daily as I'm supposed to be serving my husband and kids, but all I can think about is how exhausted my body and mind is from this pregnancy and all the other roles I'm trying to carry. So today when K brought my prayer journal over and enthusiastically said, "Read it", I flipped to a page and wearily started to talk. But what we opened it up to was a beautiful reminder for both of us and I thought, "It's never too early to teach this."

In Proverbs 4:23 it says:
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."

The condition of our hearts is of utmost importance because it's constantly affecting those around us. The term wellspring suggests that the heart is a water source of life that is continually flowing out and reaching other people. If I am affecting these sweet boys with the words I say, my attitude, et cetera then I had better guard my heart, watching carefully that it is filled with good and holy things. They are soaking up everything right now. Everything. And that is a little terrifying to me. I want them to be better than I find myself being.

I want to work on keeping my heart with all vigilance...and somehow relay that to my kids, as well.

Seriously, where's this kids' handbook? I need one because this mothering business is hard work. Anyway, in keeping with trying to avoid polluting my heart with negative influences, I wanted to share with you this video I watched today that made me happy. God is faithful. Enjoy.


Karen said...

So I'm totally crying my eyes out right now - that is such a great video. And you're right, God is faithful. I think that K and A are so very blessed to have your as their Mother, and I think that you and J show them everything that they need to see and learn from their parents :)

Whitney M. @ The Married Me said...

Totally just cried! That video is powerful :)

Brittany Sommer said...

This is so seriously something I needed to hear. It's like you knew that I have been jaded a lot lately. I desperately need to guard my heart. I can't watch the video right now but with the above comments, I know I need to!!

Jenn said...

Gah! That video made me cry too! Your boys see a mama and a daddy that are making the effort for God every day and that is so important. Also, if you find the handbook for kids, please make a copy for me and pass it along. I am needing it these days!

JG said...

Good word! Thanks for sharing!

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