Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I mentioned some of the struggles that have been filling our house lately, but those are really all small potatoes. Everyone, I've come to find out, struggles with parenthood at some point in their journeys. I'm no different, but I do know there are good days and bad and that I'm going to be okay. 
Parenting woes are not the only stress factor, though. Weeks ago, my former Army Captain linked in to a conference call from his company to hear that they are downsizing. Big time. He is one of the newest employees. We just bought a big ole house. You know where our minds automatically went. But in addition to the worries that crossed our mind was this unexplainable sense of peace. Faith.
I'm not one to not flip out over the smallest issue that feels huge to me. For example, I once thought someone stole our dog because I heard a car take off and simultaneously couldn't find the dog so I jumped to conclusions and shouted to J, "Aren't you gonna dooooo something?" I wanted him to hop in the car and run after the culprits. Instead, he quietly pieced together the situation and Drifter came home wagging his tail a bit later. He was calm. I was a basket case. That is what's typical.
This time, though, there was a comfort that said, "I have plans to prosper you and not to harm you" (Jeremiah 29:11). We spent the next few days talking about it realistically. We would lose our insurance. I'm pregnant. What would we do? Put the house on the market? Dip into more savings to try to make the mortgage while job searching? Sell the house for way less than we bought it for to save our credit? But all these lingering questions didn't matter much. You might call it irresponsible, but I honestly think this feeling is a direct result of knowing the Prince of Peace. He's guiding us. He knows what's best for our family. He brought us to Tennessee for a reason and we are following his will as best we can.
On Sunday, the pastor mentioned Hebrews 11:6
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
And that was it for me. It's all going to be just fine. If he keeps his job, if he loses it- It's all part of the plan and we're going to be okay.
And you know what's more than okay with me? Today is a snow day...finally. I think this is the first time I've seen any substantial amount of snow since we left Alaska. For some reason, our little neck of the woods here hasn't seen hardly any and none of it stuck around. It's still snowing and the roads are covered and this gal is HAPPY! K and I are hoping for a couple inches so we can go play in it while Baby A naps this afternoon.

No worries here.



Nina said...

Sorry to hear about the downsizing news! But one way or another, everything happens for a reason, and we can only do our best and have the faith. Blessings to y'all!

Rhe Christine said...

What a great post and a tough topic. its something that I think so many people go through. I know we have...and that verse (which just happens to be the verse we picked when we got engaged as our verse, and it was read at our wedding) has gotten us through so much in this military crazy wild fun life. moving, not moving, looking for jobs, surgery, babies! you will be greatly blessed :)

AlanaMarie said...

I am sorry to hear about the downsizing, I will have your family in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I'll be praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

Well I am sorry to hear about the downsizing. That's never good news for anyone. Thinking of you all!

Jen said...

I'm sorry to hear the company is downsizing. Hopefully J isn't one of them.

erika said...

This so inspires me. I hope you guys get great news and things go smoothly. I admire your outlook on it so much.

Jen said...

I hope everything works out!

Kristin said...

Your sense of peace and trust is awe-inspiring. I love this. Praying for you. We're also in a place of "what happens next?" and I was just feeling anxious tonight, then I read this. Thanks for reminding me what's important :)

Lisa C said...

Hoping everything works out!

Jenn said...

Praying for y'all and am happy you had a snow day. :)

Fran said...

Sending lots of love your way <3

JG said...

What a great testimony. You're right, God will absolutely provide, but it makes all the difference in expecting it beforehand versus waiting to see it actually happen.

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