Monday, January 6, 2014


I felt in my heart that our adventures were over when we left the Army. No more moving around from place to place. No more immediate friendships formed simply because of similar circumstance. It's all sinking in on this cold, dreary Monday as I look outside my house at the temperature: 17 degrees. That's probably pretty warm to most of you across the country. To me, it's just a nuisance. It's cold yet there's no blanketing snow covering a picture perfect backyard. It's just biting and depressing. It makes me miss Alaska and her snow covered mountains year-round. Only yesterday was I missing the sunny warmth of our home in Florida. I suppose the grass is always greener. I don't want to move away, especially as we get ready to welcome another baby into our lives, but I do miss that sense of adventure that the Captain and I used to have. For fun, we packed up the car for days of hiking, fishing, and hunting in the Alaskan wilderness. We drove 6+ hours just to get to the next big town and explore what it had to offer. We went swimming in 20 below zero temps. We picked fresh blueberries in Denali National Park. We gazed at the Northern Lights and wondered how we could be so lucky to get to experience something so amazing. Our adventures there were endless.

I'm suffering from wanderlust as we go into the new year. Our plans for travel have fallen through. We had to cancel a trip to Puerto Rico over Christmas. Then, we wanted to take a trip to celebrate our anniversary, but with buying the house recently the funds just aren't there. So this is what you're left with- a blogger who can't seem to drag herself out of the past. Those adventures are done for now. They'll have to wait. Reality calls....

but hey! At least it's naptime ;)


Anonymous said...

At least you have a lot of great memories!

Karen said...

I would LOVE to have a posting to Alaska - that's on our list of where we are going to ask to go eventually. I would take your weather over my weather - we do have snow - but it's been -50 with the windchill (and did you know that when you get to -40C and -40F, the temperatures actually match up?? weirdness lol). So we can't even enjoy the snow because it's so cold. You guys will be able to travel again and it will be even more fun to make new memories with the kids :)

Lisa C said...

I've always wanted to visit Alaska. And I understand the wanderlust. That's one of the things I love about being an Army wife.

Fran said...

I'm having some wanderlust too! I keep seeing all these beautiful photos of snow and I miss it so much!

Unknown said...

I think the Wanderlust bug is going around. Get me to a beach. Or Europe {or a beach in Europe!} You will have plenty of time for those adventures, for now you have a different adventure with your kidlets.

Lynn | Motherhood in Motion said...

Its that time of year.... cold and wanting for the warmer days of vacations and pool time.

whit | Black Little Button blog said...

awe dear, you and me both.

Kathryn B said...

Amazing pictures! I would love to visit Alaska, not sure I would want to live there though. :) I love to travel, but with little ones it's really difficult.

AlanaMarie said...

I can relate to this so much! I miss our travels and I can't wait to move in April for a new adventure.

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