Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Life is good, too.

It's almost as if I owe it to ya to post something fun. The stresses of the past few months haven't totally rained on our parade. We've been making sweet memories, too. This past weekend was just what I needed! It started off on Friday when my pal from college brought her sweet one year old over to play. The boys were napping so it was just us and I was free to chat with her and enjoy the company of her adorable daughter. It was almost strange to me because I had to keep myself from signing and every time she made a babbling noise, I almost jumped for joy at her trick before realizing again that it was likely normal for her. I can't wait until I can hear Baby A do the same. Music to my ears.
Friday night we let the boys eat ice cream IN FRONT OF THE TV (big mistake) while we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They were in heaven. I was happy to see them happy...and happy that I ran that afternoon because I was shoveling in the ice cream, too.
Saturday brought more wedding festivities for my best friend's upcoming big day. We drove to a nearby city to try on bridesmaid dresses. I will be postpartum on the day of the wedding so we're just going to guess what size I'll be and roll with it. Makes me nervous! Anyway, it was awesome to hang out with some ladies I haven't seen in such a long time. It made me happy to just be able to pick right up where we left off. Making new friends is hard sometimes and there's something so beautiful about old ones.
That night, J and I got a babysitter and enjoyed dinner and a movie. We ended up watching The Edge of Tomorrow and it was better than I expected. The other option he gave me sounded pretty terrible so I'm glad I ultimately chose this one. Good choice.
Sunday was nice, too. My friend who lives in sunny Florida was in for the weekend and came to stay with us that evening! The two of us went to see The Fault in Our Stars and then took ridiculously hilarious selfies in the parking lot that nearly sent me into labor. When I (finally) calmed down enough to drive home, we were greeted with a fancy, new Big Green Egg being put together. My husband and I have been saving up forever to get one and thanks to a family friend who gave us a great deal, we were able to purchase one. There's no buyer's remorse here, but we are seriously in that really uncomfortable financial range again that we have used it every single night since then. Must make it make sense! Every time a new medical bill arrives in the mail I get twitchy and want to fire up the grill.
There. Proof that life is still fun in our household.


Lisa C said...

Loving the bump photo! Glad you were able to spend some time with friends and the hubs.

bj_lonsford said...

You are ridiculously funny girl! Glad you and Amanda had fun!

Jen said...

How do you like the egg? I want one so badly!

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