Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cray K Goes to the Dentist (Part 1)

I've got my coffee beside me and I've already battled and semi-conquered a printer issue this morning so I'm going to say that's a good start. I don't even want to do today. I cancelled one of my middle child's appointments today so that we could just do nothing. It has been crazy around here. Honestly, I have some doctor or specialist to go to every single day between the three of us. I cancelled his speech assessment because, well, he says nothing. The early intervention program I'm working with asked me to reschedule it so that I wouldn't end up paying for it. Fine by me, I guess.
There I was. Nothing on the agenda for Tuesday! I was delighted. Then my husband calls and tells me I need to make an appointment for Cray K to go to the dentist. You guessed it. It had to be today. Let's just forget that this is going to be an abysmal failure anyway. I fully expect fits, shaking, and a refusal to open his mouth leading to me barely making it back out to the car before I burst into crazy pregnant lady tears. I know he needs to go, but it would just be great if I could go to work like the other half of the world and send my husband to one of these appointments in my place. Just one. Just one so he can see why I'm so frazzled at the end of every day.

More and more, I find myself checking out. Yesterday, I made it a goal to start the 12 page paper I need to turn in next week. I got a pathetic outline ready which may or may not have read "INSERT CREATIVE TITLE HERE" and/or "Here's the plan, man."
 It's bad, y'all. I'm tired and there's no end in sight.
We can talk about happy things, though. Those aren't off limits. Perhaps next time I'll tell you all about my weekend with friends! Additionally, Baby A is signing up a storm. The pediatrician tells me that his visual language is up to par with his peers spoken language and perhaps surpasses it. In other words, he signs more words than most his age can talk. That was encouraging!
What do you have going on today?


Lisa C said...

Honey, you deserve a break. Make the hubby takes the boys for a day so you can go do something by yourself.

Jen said...

You deserve a break sweet friend!!!

Jamie said...

So happy to hear that he is picking up sign so well!

Dr. Gerald Regni said...

Relax! I bet that trip will be all done with before you even really notice. At least, that's what a trip to the dentist should be like, where there's a necessary back and forth between the dentist and the one availing of the service and help, with the reciprocity defining the level of quality and standard. Good luck!

Dr. Gerald Regni, DMD

Rammy Jones said...

I also had a couple of old fillings that needed to be replaced. The hygienist there was very professional and worked hard to ensure my visit was comfortable. Her chair was also good.
dentist Torrance

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