Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bullet Points of Things You Should Know

*I'm trying to figure out if I still blog. I have increasingly picked up my pen and paper journal over the last few weeks, something I haven't done regularly for about a year! I just noticed that some of you were leaving/unsubscribing and I thought you might be tired of me talking about the struggles we've been having lately. Not that it matters, really- I know this is my blog and I can write freely, but at the same time I wonder myself if this is something I should continue to share.
*This busy season of our lives has me away from the computer a lot, too. Yesterday was one of the worst days I've had this entire pregnancy. I woke up feeling sick, but I just tried to ignore and drink lots of water. I went about my day, dropping off the kids at school and decided to go shopping to look for baby items. As I walked through the stores, I stayed near the restrooms thinking that any minute I was going to need them. It was the first trimester all over again. I finally capitulated and came home to rest before I had to pick the boys up at two. When I woke up from my nap, I felt really really awful. When I got home from getting them, I put them to sleep despite one of them already having a nap that day and crawled in bed myself. I spent the evening violently ill and having pretty regular contractions. I was alarmed, but around 11pm last night, I started to feel slightly better.
*I have no less than 80 billion mosquito bites on my pasty white legs. I feel so hot. ;)
*My pal from college has written another book. Book 2 in the Ethereal Underground Trilogy is available today on Amazon! Here's more about it:

Mark of Deceit
By Brooke Kennedy and Briana Gaitan
Book two in the Ethereal Underground Trilogy

Release Date 6/3/2014
Available TODAY at Amazon  $2.99 (Other formats coming soon)
Good Read Summary

She thought that her Elders would welcome her back home with open arms…
He thought that she would stay by his side forever…
Now a friend is missing….
They thought the seer’s words were just that…words
But not all is as it seems….

Months later, Ash and Annalise have both returned to their separate lives after their adventure in the forbidden layer of Cabalin, Both of them are struggling to move on with their lives. Fighting has kept Ash busy for the most part, but it allows him to release his frustrations and earn some gems to survive. He thought renouncing the keepers would free him, but he ended up losing his way. Annalise is plagued by nightmares and emotions that are even more out of control than before. She is desperate for an answer, desperate for a way out, until the Elders offer her exactly what she needs: a way to break the bond with Ash in return for her compliance with their own mission

Author Links
Briana Gaitan

Brooke Kennedy
Launch Party/ Book Signing

I hope you'll check it out. I haven't read it yet, but I look forward to it when life slows down a bit here.
*I'm still taking classes. I worked ahead when my latest class became available and was able to do next to nothing for about three weeks. It has been strange. Such a big difference from last semester. I need to get to work and finish up the other four weeks of assignments now. That would be so helpful to not have that to worry about as baby's arrival gets closer and closer.
*In case you didn't know, I'm 29 weeks along. Whoa Nelly.
*Exciting things are coming up for my business. This summer, I'll be attending at least two local 5Ks where I'll be setting up shop. This is your chance to come and shop in person. Follow along on facebook for more information. Additionally, I have several new designs up and coming! We're expanding to provide men's and children's gear, too. Here's the latest shirt. It's my new fav:

Like it? Shop here.
*Ok, I've got to start my day now. Wish me luck that it's not a repeat of tomorrow. Pretty, please?


Jamie said...

Thinking about you. I definitely like following your journey.

Jen said...

Already 29 weeks?! Wow!

Angie said...

I hope you are feeling better today!

Rachel Ross said...

Hope you're feeling better! You are seriously amazing to be juggling everything!

Jenn said...

Life is not always rainbows and unicorns, and if someone unfollows you because life gets tough, well, let it gooooooooooooo (I sang that, btw). I think your approach to life's challenges is one of the things I love reading about the most. Keep being you! I have no clue how you manage to get it all done every day, but you do! Can't wait to meet your newest bundle of love!

Sarah said...

Don't stop blogging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like your blog! I am always so impressed with how much you're able to accomplish. It really puts me to shame! ♥

Danielle said...

In my opinion, I definitely think you should keep blogging about your struggles! Life isn't always peaches and cream, sometimes it is tough. And Esp with Baby A's and his ears, you could be helping others in your position, or a similar one and not even knowing it! You look great for 29 weeks- go you! And I hope you are feeling 100%, not feeling well with littles and pregnant is the worst.

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