Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday (creative title lacking)

Mondays really are awful, aren't they? There's the argument that stay at home moms (SAHM) don't get a weekend really because they're always on the job, but at least on Saturday and Sunday I can expect that my husband will at least change one diaper between the two of them and that's one less diaper for me. Then Monday rolls around and the youngest won't eat, yet he wants to chew on his spoon, thereby making an awful mess of carrots on his neck, face, and shirt. Then he won't take a bath sitting up apparently and the baby bath is tucked away in a garage a couple houses down the street. Then the two year old is bored, maybe? So he runs around whining excessively and smacking random objects in frustration. Now everyone is crying for no good reason..and how do I deal? By eating a leftover hotdog, piece of birthday cake, and coke from the night before because nothing says I'm stressed like getting fat.

This move has been awfully stressful on us. I think it's just because this is it. We aren't moving again for awhile. We get to buy a house. It's a lot different this time. I'm nearly thirty years old and I've never bought a house. It's all new to us. We want to do it right, but we also are in a hurry to get out of my parents' house because, let's be honest, we are freeloadin'. It's so easy to take their groceries, use up their water for showers, and weasel our way back into their routines. I don't know why I feel this way because many people have offered up their homes to us, but I just feel bad. Undeserving of help.

We went house hunting on Saturday. We looked at seven houses and it was a very long day. Looking at houses is supposed to be fun, but I felt bad all day for leaving one of the kids with his uncle all day (on his birthday!). When we were done, all I could think about was that we didn't love any of the houses and we were no closer to finding a home than we were the week before. Now, another week will go by because we can't house shop throughout the week because of J's job hours and how far away we'd have to drive to look at a house.

I know I sound so ridiculous. Everything we've ever wanted has happened for us. We have a happy marriage, beautiful & sweet children, and now we live in East Tennessee again! And it really has only been a week. I'm sure we'll find a place soon and we shouldn't rush the process, but I'm just feeling the pressure to get my crew into a place of our own before we all go a little crazy. Baby A just isn't adjusting well. His sleep patterns have changed drastically and he has been so fussy lately. I know kids need stability and I feel bad for interrupting that for him, too. Ugh.

It's definitely a Monday.


AlanaMarie said...

If it makes you feel any better Evey wouldn't eat her pureed carrots the other night either, she hated them, I have an entire ice cube tray of frozen carrots that will likely go to waste. I hope your monday gets easier, and that you find the perfect home in the perfect neighborhood for the perfect price, and soon!

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys can find something you love soon! We will be in the same spot in 2 years. Back in the town we love but living with my parents while we house hunt.

Chantal said...

Mondays. Blah. You'll get there! Sometimes stress does this to us.

Jen said...

Hugs!!! Everything will smooth out and you will find the perfect home.

Julie Danielle said...

You are going through a lot of changes and that is always stressful. We bought our first home when we were 32 & 35 so I wouldn't feel like you are behind or anything :)

Kristin said...

I totally see myself in the "But I got what I wanted!" comment.

It'll happen. The perfect house is just waiting for your family. And I'm sure your parents are enjoying time with the grandkids :)

Karen said...

Mondays are definitely blah. Hope that you guys are able to find something to suit your needs asap. PS - we will be coming through East Tennessee at the end of September :)

Becca said...

Not ridiculous! Sorry this has been hard on the kiddos. When we moved to KS and H was 13 months, he stopped willingly eating veggies (so we started juicing and sneaking purees into baked goods), and he JUST now, at 2.5, is kind of sort of starting to entertain the idea of a veggie (i.e. a corn kernel or a green smoothie)

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