The drive really wasn't so bad. I imagined total chaos. I pictured me pulling all my hairs out. Or crying uncontrollably along with my two under two. Because this move was so last minute, we had to get out immediately and we weren't very prepared. Thankfully, J's dad came to our rescue (again) and helped us get moved out by our deadline. Friday afternoon we found out that someone was renting our place which was awesome news because we were locked in until January if they couldn't rent it out. A huge financial burden was lifted, but then suddenly we realized, umm nothing is packed. We didn't really have the first box. Saturday was insane. We packed up everything we own in a day and loaded the Uhaul to the brim. We'll see if it's all broken when we finally get to unpack it all! Anyway, we pulled out of our home in Florida on Sunday. J's dad was driving the Uhaul, J was driving his truck and towing another, and I was driving the third car with the babes inside. An eight hour drive was ahead of me and I was NOT looking forward to it.
My boys did so well. I don't give them enough credit sometimes. They were little angels mostly. I mean YOU wouldn't think so if you'd been riding with us, but as for myself, I thought they were great. I'm with them all the time and I know what they're capable of! Those sweet boys didn't sleep, but they didn't cry too much either. I arrived in TN in crazy, good time (I only stopped once). Still, the stress of packing up our lives for the fifth move in four years was wearing on me and I was so happy to walk into my parents' house and hand off a kid or two. The first night was tough on Baby A. He woke up a lot and we didn't get much sleep. I think the unfamiliarity of it all coupled with his change in schedule has really screwed him up. I'm hoping I can get him back on some sort of predictable schedule this week. We're all very tired...
but so happy to be home.
I'm so impressed with your packing skills!! Happy you finally made it and I hope you find a new home very soon!
I am glad you made it safely!
I'm glad you made it there!
So glad you made it safely!!! :)
This is nothing short of miraculous. So glad you're *home*!
Glad that you made it safely! Hope all of your things made it safely too!
Glad you made it safely!!! Glad the drive wasn't too bad!!!! Sounds like everything is falling into place!
Congratulations, and WOW! You guys are so productive! Very cool you are finally home.
You deserve a spa day or something! Glad you guys made it to TN safe!
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