Monday, July 14, 2014

Marvelous {in my} Monday

There's not a lot that's good about a Monday, most people would agree. Mine started off rather rocky as I battled with the eldest to just brush his teeth (FOR THE LOVE) and with the other small child's pesky hearing aids that I'm pretty sure he's already outgrowing (UGH..MORE $). BUT! I happily dropped those two cuties off at "school" for the morning and nearly skipped back out to my car so I could go to Hobby Lobby, my happy place.
Because this post is supposed to be about the marvelous things about this sunshiny Monday, I won't discuss why I felt the need to go to Hobby Lobby in the first place. We'll only focus on the positive, okay?
While there I bought stuff to create fun things for Kinley's birthday. He's turning 3 and his recent addiction to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse has spurred me on to have a fun little Mickey party. Never mind that I have no idea when I will have said party because-oh yeah- I have to labor and deliver another small child and plan around a hypothetical surgery for Abel that month, too.

This is marvelous, though...
I have recently joined the crazy oil train and decided to sign up to receive Young Living Essential Oils. I have heard such good things about using them to feel better, clean better, et cetera. I was a skeptic. I guess I still am, but the process is trial and error. Finding what works for you can be very different from something that works for someone else. I had my very first 'oh my gosh that essential oil is a miracle worker' moment recently and I wanted to share it with all of you. Got a sore throat? This one is easy. 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil into a glass of water worked wonders for me. I was so surprised how quickly my aching throat felt better. Try it next time!

Another marvelous happening this past weekend was reconnecting with many of my former high school classmates. It's hard to believe it has already been ten years since we graduated. It feels more like five. It was great to catch up with them, though. I moved around a lot after college and so I hadn't seen so many of them in years.

One other marvelous thing? Three years ago today, my husband and I dressed up as Tonks and Lupin for the final Harry Potter movie release. He used to love me. ;)
I was 35-36 weeks pregnant here, too! What a coincidence.

I hope you can find some marvelous thoughts to reflect on today. Happy Monday to ya.


Angie said...

Looks like you all had a great turnout at your reunion. The pictures I saw of my 10 year looked as though only a few people showed up!

Unknown said...

You guys are my hero's for dressing up. I went to every Harry Potter movie but was never brave enough to put on a costume.

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