Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Celebrating Small Miracles

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
-Albert Einstein

Happy Tuesday evening- or perhaps Wednesday morning? I don't know when you're tuning in. I barely know what day it is anymore anyway. I don't want this week to slip by without telling you some of my small miracles that have happened to me as of late. Life is good, y'all and so is this stuff:

Is a bullet list okay? I can't form paragraphs right now.

*Abel has a surgery date! wooohooooooo! I'm leading with the best (Still you should keep reading because the other stuff is cool, too). He is scheduled for his first cochlear implant surgery in early September. If you find yourself in prayer, I hope you'll say some for our sweet little man. We are thrilled for him and, of course, slightly nervous. I'm praying that God will bless the surgeons hands, that Abel will be protected before, during, and after surgery, that our family (of soon to be FIVE) will adjust well to all the changes, and that God will grow our family through this and refocus all our minds on Him.

*Also? Last time we talked about my pregnancy I may or may not have mentioned that my blood pressure was climbing, I was experiencing awful awful heartburn, and had other unpleasant symptoms. I also recently joined up with Young Living. I'm so glad I did. I was a total skeptic, but after the last few weeks of experimenting with different oil combos, I'm a believer! I'll share some of my success stories on here via cute, edited photos because I like to create things just to pin. I'm lame. Anyway, making money with YL was not even on my radar, but hey, I'm not going to turn it down. If you want to sign up under me, let me know. I'll help you in any way I can. I'm pumped about this new (to me) resource to help my family feel better. I might even incorporate some oils into my upcoming labor and delivery. That oughta give the doctor a nice chuckle ;) The best thing that has happened since I started this crazy oil lady journey is this:
I was having the toughest time sleeping because I kept waking up in the night with extreme heartburn and burning bile in my throat (I know, gross. Sorry). Anyway, I was pretty miserable. My mom, who got me into this oily lifestyle, prepared a capsule for me of four drops of Di-Gize plus olive oil and for the first time in four or five days, I slept--gloriously--all through the night with no problems.
In addition, all these hormones sometimes cause headaches. Mine are gone within minutes just by rubbing PanAway on my temples and the back of my neck. These, my friends, are miracles.

* I met a potential friend (and fellow jogger) in our neighborhood today! Most of the people in our hood are older so I was happy, happy, happy when she strolled up with her young son in tow.

* I made it 37 weeks.

What small or big miracles are you celebrating this week?


Tryna said...

I'm excited to hear more about your experiences with essential oils! I'm definitely interested in finding alternative methods for me and the kiddos. You are looking great!

Jen said...

I am so excited that he has a surgery date! Keeping you all in my thoughts! :)

Karen said...

Everyone I know is using essential oils now - I'm still skeptical... you'll have to tell me more good things about them lol. Also, you look great!! And baby looks VERY low lol.

Angie said...

So happy to hear he got a surgery date. Definitely praying :)

Bailey Kay said...

I'll be praying for Baby A as his surgery approaches! I've always liked the essential oils idea but never got into it.

Jenny @ Creatively Blooming said...

That's great about getting a surgery date! And I hear ya on getting excited about finding "younger" people in the neighborhood. Mostly everyone we've met in our new neighborhood is older.

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