Monday, July 7, 2014

Bloating, Blating, and Triple Dating

(* If you can come up with a more appropriate, catchy title then I commend you. )

I went shopping today to hopefully find something that I wouldn't feel like an absolute cow in for my upcoming ten year high school reunion. I left with three items -all black- none of which I will likely wear for the event. That is what the third trimester looks like for me. I'm searching for any trick of the eye that will aid me in making me feel like I didn't just swallow two basketballs.

Aside from being largely pregnant, other things are going on, too. For starters, I had a blate (blog date)! I was blessed to be able to meet up with Sarah from Dandelions and Daffodils. She's just as fabulous in real life as she is on her blog. I got to meet her newest addition, too. Dang, they're cute.

Hopefully, there will be more blating in our future. Our meeting was cut short by traffic and doctor appointments- boo. Still, it was a big deal that I got to meet them- even the Nashville news showed up to document the date. ;)

I also finished up all classes until January! I checked my grades this morning and oh my gosh, I did awesome. Not to toot my own horn or anything. One semester left and I'll finally have my Master's. I've been craving this break and I plan to do lots of fiction reading between now and when the baby is born. I see bubble baths, chocolate, and good books in my future.

My boys are doing well. They're wild and sweet and mine. We've been having fun playing outside. Just the other day, another Sarah friend brought them a water toy for outside and they've been living it up. We added an attachment to it, too and now they have a huge worm and caterpillar that shoots out water and extends down much of the yard. What more could little boys want?

Cap'n is doing well, too. He just had a birthday and celebrated thirty one years by buying deck furniture. It's stuff like that that reminds me we're getting old. We did, however, venture out a few weekends ago to Brewfest in Knoxville. 

I was one of three pregnant gals there. I'm guessing it's safe to say we were all there for the pretzel necklaces. Afterward, we went to dinner with the folks we went with and my lips started swelling up like I ate an almond or ten. I ordered a salad, but it didn't have almonds in it- just pecans- so thus began my worry that I'm adding other nuts to my list of allergies. 

How's that for an update?


Jen said...

You look fantastic!!! :)

Karen said...

You look great - don't stress about your outfit!! And I'm SO jealous that you guys had a blate!!! When I go down to Georgia next we HAVE to all meet up. :) Hopefully you aren't allergic to all nuts, that would be a bummer.

Jessica @ Better Together and Forever said...

I'm with you on the clothes front! (PS, you look fantastic) I feel like I am outgrowing some of my maternity shirts, which makes me sad since I have a good 9 weeks to go.

Anonymous said...

You look amazing!!

Bailey Kay said...

I am seriously so impressed at you getting your Masters. You're so busy with a house and a husband and 2 (soon to be 3) kids! I can't imagine how you do it all. Major props!

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