Sunday, August 28, 2011

growing on me

There are some days when I think that we miraculously have the most well-behaved, happy baby in the world. There are others when I feel so helpless because I can't get him to sleep or he is screaming and I can't figure out why. It breaks my heart to feel like I can't help him. The last twenty four hours have been like that. He actually slept great after he finally went down for the count, but the hours between 10pm-1am were dreadful. He couldn't be consoled. Now, he's been awake all morning which is fine since he isn't complaining too much. I just worry about him. All the books I've read said that the parent is to teach the child how to sleep and I don't think I'm doing a very good job of that. Perhaps he is just getting older and experiencing more awake time. Let's be honest...I don't know. I've never done this before.

Anyway, we have had some pleasant moments over the last few days.

Friday I got the notion that Baby K needed a mobile and by golly I was going to create one for him. Ft. Polk is devoid of craft stores (insane!) so I was left to use whatever I had around the house. I had dreams of beautiful, perfect mobiles as I perused Pinterest, but my little rinkity ole mobile just didn't measure up. It's not terribly unfortunate looking, though so I hung it up anyway. Besides, it's growing on me.

That's not the only thing growing on me! Just take a look at this little scholar:

Reading already! Sorta. We have added this activity to his nightly bedtime routine. Ignore the blurriness. A certain Captain J still hasn't taught me how to use his fancy camera. Back to Baby K...He had his two week appointment last week and he has already gained over a pound. Mama was so proud! I had to limit myself from updating facebook to let the world know because I'm pretty sure no one cares, but his Mom and Dad were definitely impressed with the way he's thriving :)

Now if you'll excuse me, I must do some house work. I folded a blanket earlier and three dust bunnies flew. Eek!


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