Thursday, August 4, 2011

little things

Little things make me smile. They have to.

It's 105 degrees in these parts for most of the day (and my doctor is telling me to walk to induce! ha Easy for her to say.) and I rarely venture outside. I play with our k9 friends for a bit. I check the mail. If I'm feeling really frisky, I'll walk down the short driveway and retrieve the trash cans. This is the extent of my leaving our nicely air conditioned casa.

This means I have to find happiness in the little things...

Like lime flavored popsicles:

And when my husband is preparing his helmet thing-a-majig for jumping out of airplanes while simultaneously eating said popsicle and being totally engrossed in one of the Harry Potter movies:

And random, odd text messages from my brother:

Yes, it's the small stuff that gets me through my day.

Otherwise, I'd be going absolutely insane with contractions one hour-

and absolutely nothing the next.

Such a tease.

I hope this baby turns around soon. Back pain is for the birds.

What little things made you smile today?

(P.S. Captain J jumped out of an airplane today and lived. That made me smile, too. Don't they know they shouldn't let soon-to-be dads in warzones or throwing themselves out of airplanes? It's just not kosher with Mama!)


sespi said...

I can't believe it's already time for you to have your baby! It doesn't seem like that long ago that you announced you were pregnant! I'm avoiding going outside too... this heat is gross. The little thing that made me smile was finding an individual serving bag of cookies in the back of the cupboard when I wanted something sweet and didn't think we had anything in the house :)

Tryna Stegner said...

Hand in there girl! Is that a contraction counter app? If you're just writing them down and need a tracker, this is a great website that tracks them for you and you can print them out (if you need such a thing!).

Mrs. K said...

that's a great idea...didn't even think of that. Thanks!

Mrs. K said...

ooo, I love when that happens! I could have used a little bag of cookies last night.

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