Monday, August 22, 2011

health and happiness: an update

First of all, mad props* to those of you who left me comments on my last post. I'm already feeling a little better in that department and I'm sure I'll be doing much better when I get approved to start exercising again. Also, I just wanted to mention how wise you all are. The majority of my readers who voted in the last poll believed that Baby K would arrive slightly early and you all were right! I knew I had smart friends.

I have been MIA lately. My days have been filled with:

little boys who don't want baths

Just snuggles with Mom and Dad:

and food, warmth, and the occasional (read: very frequent) diaper change.

We've been working to see more of this at night:

and less of his Daddy's grumpy faces.

Last night went so well, thanks to some suggestions from Aunt Paige.

That's her right there. Wise woman, she is.

It's thanks to her that I have energy to blog this mornin'.

Anyway, as you can see, I've just been busy. Our sweet neighbors and fellow church members have kept food in this house- we've barely had to go to the grocery store. Actually, I haven't left the house in exactly a week now due to these pesky orders from my doctor to stay in bed. I am happy to report that my blood pressure seems to be under control now and I'm feeling much better.

I finished up school last week, but I'm not sure how I did. I'm expecting my shiny 4.0 GPA to drop because I think I'll probably make a B in the class now. I was so unmotivated and super exhausted after having the baby that I just didn't feel like giving it my all. I hate that, but taking care of my little boy just seemed so much more important at the time. I'm relieved to have the class over, but I have another one starting today. I thought I had a bit of a break in between the two...turns out, I don't even have a day! I hope I can keep up with my studies as well as this little guy:

Luckily, I can still contain him (Note the grumpy face).

Now, I must get back to it. Thanks for checking in on me :) I'm very behind in catching up with all of you, but I try to visit a couple of blogs a day. I'll get there eventually! Have a happy Monday.



(*I just always wanted to say that.)


Candice said...

Very sweet. Glad that you are doing better health wise. Praying that you and your family continue to do well.

Kayla Sue said...

It has been a while since I've stopped by, and I'm kicking myself in the head for it! I miss reading your blog!!! And your last few posts have me reliving the days when Levi was a newborn, only 18 months ago. I was sooo overwhelmed all the time and way oversensitive. But it sure is incredible to see that you are in charge of a little life!! I will be thinking of you girly, and congrats! He is ADORABLE, of course :)

Jenna Lou said...

Sounds like you have your hands full at the moment but don't forget to take a little you time.

Mrs. Ski said...

Babywearing is the best!!!!!!!

Tryna Stegner said...

He is absolutely precious! My youngest hated baths also. We got her a Bath Luve (but a big washcloth will work too) and she loved it!

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