Sunday, December 9, 2012

Life Lately

Five more days. That's all that's left in the home that we brought Cray K and Baby A home to. The end of this stint here in Louisiana marks the end of Captain J's career in the U.S. Army. We've lived here just over a year and a half and it has been our longest time spent in the same house since we've been married. You'd think I would have bittersweet thoughts about it, but I'm looking forward to leaving Ft. Polk. It was fine while it lasted but I don't think I'll harbor much regret when I look back. I will miss the few people I've come to know here, though! 
Today I've been busy trying to pack what we'll need for our next step of this journey. We're headed home to Tennessee for a couple months before we move to Jacksonville for J's new job. There's a lot to do as you can imagine. In between packing up boxes, I'm completely absorbed in our new little addition to the family. He is absolutely wonderful, y'all. I have barely heard him cry. He is eating well. He never spits up. He is happy. This is all so new to me. K has always been rather cranky from day one so this behavior was an unexpected blessing. I may or may not be holding my breath, waiting for the bottom to drop out, though.
In the past few days since my mom and sister left, life in our household has been difficult. Cray K has really lived up to his name. I suppose he's all out of whack because of all the changes we've thrown his way this week, but his behavior has been terrible. I feel like I'm failing as a parent. I'm just crossing my fingers that his "terrible twos" started early and this is something that everyone deals with from time to time.
For the most part, K doesn't acknowledge his little brother. Occasionally, he'll saunter over to pull a body part or pat his head. Sometimes he rocks (read: shakes violently) the bassinet, but luckily I'm usually there to swoop in and save my sweet Baby A from his older brother's wrath. I'm definitely looking forward to going home so that K can have some distraction from cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents! I want my sweet little boy back and maybe if there are more people to play with, he'll be happy again.
I want to cry just typing that.
I know this is all just an adjustment period for him and for all of us. I tried to play extra long with K, rock him to sleep, and take care of him just like I would before Baby A came along. It doesn't seem to help. Now, J and I have adopted the approach of divide and conquer- with him caring for K while I watch over A. It's not much fun, but it's working alright.
No matter how hard it is with Cray K, I simply won't wish the days away. I love soaking up all the time I can with A. When K was a newborn, it was really really difficult. Baby A has shown me just how different babies can be. They're both equally precious and I'm so grateful God chose me to be their mama! I certainly don't deserve the role, but I hope I'll figure it all out in time.  Thank you all for your prayers during this tumultuous period in our lives! 


Chantal said...

5 days! That's a lot to do with a new newborn. I hope once you get to Tennessee it all settles down a bit... at least for the couple months you'll be there.

Karen said...

Sending much love your way - I'm sure that it's just the terrible two's a little early :) I know Nora's thrown some terrible tantrums lately lol. Hope that all goes well with your travels and the move!!

Sarah said...

I get stressed out enough packing for just the two of us,I can't imagine doing it with a baby and a little one! Praying it goes well for you!! ♥

Jamie said...

You have so much on your plate. Hang in there!

Kathryn B said...

You have a ton on your plate right now. I think we all go through that feeling when the second baby arrives. I felt that way a LOT while we were trying to find our routine. You have a lot going on, give yourself a little slack. You're doing great! I'm sure it will be great to be at home for awhile :)

Angie said...

Hang in there my friend! I can so relate to this. We brought my Annalee home on my Axle's second birthday. Mr. Axle is a handful and always has been. Annalee is somewhat of a breath of fresh air. The two are like night and day. It's still hard but after almost 5 months he's adjusting to life with baby. It will happen, just be patient. Sending my prayers your way.

Becca said...

Awww...What a smart, sweet little guy! He knows how to get your attention :)
They are good at that, aren't they? I wish you all the prayers and luck in your upcoming move. What a beautiful family you have! And I am so glad to hear you are feeling so well, so soon! Amazing.

Jenn said...

Sam was the exact same way with Molly at first- didn't notice she was there, except when she was taking HIS attention away. But he gradually came around. He now brings her toys, rubs her belly, and says her name. Or, his version of her name ("Myra"- and I will CUT anyone who tells him to say it differently).

You're a strong woman to handle all of the changes you've got going on right now. I'm sure one day you're gonna look back and say, "Oh my GAWD, how did we ever survive that time?!" But you're gonna do it and you're gonna be just fine. :) I'm glad A is such a sweetie. He sounds a lot like Molly (and Cray K sounds a lot like Sam). I am hoping and praying everything goes really smoothly for y'all!!


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