Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tender Tennessee Christmas

We arrived in Tennessee around midnight to my Mom and brother picking us up at McGhee Tyson airport in Knoxville. I was so excited for her to see my ring, but she wouldn't look at it so I finally had to put my hand in her face. She was excited...along with the rest of our families. It wasn't a big shock to most, but they were happy for us.

Shortly after arriving to town, we traveled to our old stomping grounds at TTU to see Jordan's brother, Jesse, graduate and get sworn into the army. Jordan got to swear him in so that was a cool ceremony to witness. I got to visit with old friends for awhile and spend time with some new ones as well.

The next days passed quickly as they always seem to do when we're having fun. Christmas was busy, but wonderful. We were running all over the place, but we had a great day filled with more presents than we could ever need, a lot of food, and time with family that we were so blessed to receive.

After the festivities were over and we had time to relax, I fell prey to a yucky sickness. I'm glad it waited until Christmas was over, but it is pretty miserable just the same! I'm feeling a little better today than I have been, but I'm still not back at 100%. I'm hoping to feel better by the New Year.

Thinking back on the past year, I am grateful for getting through it. I'm thankful for all the lessons I've learned during it and for all the answered prayers. I'm so glad Jordan is home this year for the holidays, safe and sound. We don't know where the army will take us over the next few years so this Christmas we are elated to get to be home with our families and are very much enjoying creating memories together. Here's to hoping 2010 will bring along with it a lot of time with each other. Have a safe and Happy New Year! I will have more exciting news next time you hear from me...


Kim said...

Kace--if I recall, you and Jordan were arm in arm when you came through the gates so how was I suppose to see the ring? Besides....I thought there would be a ring but I kinda thought it would come at Christmas, so Iwas not really looking for it. I guess Jordan didn't want to be predictable, uh? I love you and am happy to have Jordan join our family. Mom

kacysue said...

Thanks for being so supportive of us, Mom. I love you and am so thankful for ya!

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