Dearest A,
You'll forgive me, won't you? I let a month go by without writing. Your fourth month went by so quickly and you are now five whole months old. Every parent says it, but you truly are growing so fast. You continue to be the sweetest baby boy! You love looking at your older brother and laughing at the silly things he does to entertain you. Your favorite way to be held is the "adventure position" so that you can see everything that is going on. Sometimes I wear you to the grocery store or K's gym class or to the park and you are completely content. You'll fall right asleep if you so please and it scares me every time because K certainly never did anything like that. I always think something is wrong!
Nursing is going well, but you are getting wiggly. You kick and squirm and smile and coo. It's unbelievably precious. YOU are unbelievably precious. We still haven't started you on solids either. Maybe I'm a slacker, but I just can't decide if I want to go the Baby Lead Weaning route or if I should break out the Baby Bullet again like I did with your brother. You are thriving very well on mama's milk for now so I'm not too worried. I'll decide soon.
You are still sleeping by our bed at night. You're a pretty good little sleeper! You recently started sleeping twelve straight hours and it has been amazing. The last few days, however, you've been waking a lot more thanks to a yucky cold. I hate to see you sick. Still, you're pretty smiley throughout the day and still a joy to be around. I love you so much, Baby A. I can't imagine our family without your sweet cheeks and cute little smile. Keep on keepin' on.
Happy 5 Months Baby A! He's sooo cute. And you should do BLW ;)
Happy 5 months, baby boy! He is so cute!
Dear Lord he is just the cutest!
He's so cute!!
Aw, baby A is so precious!! I love his smile, its infectious :)
So cute! and happy 5 months!
He is so cute!
How does he get cuter every single month?!?!
Baby A. Looking more like big brother and daddy every day. Tell me more about that cool carrier you use with him. It looks so comfy for mommy and baby. My daughter is expecting her first and I know she will get a lot of use out of something like that. Is it available only on line???? or baby stores???? As an introvert I understand the need for those quiet times. I had a three year old and twins, life was crazy for a long time in our house. Now one of those twins is expecting her first and the other twin's wife is pregnant with their second. It has flown by, my dear. Blessings to you and your's
He's getting cuter and cuter! I say this everytime, but I can't believe he's 5 months already! He's going to break hearts with those amazing eyes.
Happy 5 Months Baby A! He's adorable!
I think we are going to do Baby Led Weaning, but I want to try food now! I can't believe how fast the babies are growing!
I love it! It's called the Baby K'tan. I got mine online...that's probably the easiest way to find it. It is so easy to use!
Thank you for taking the time to respond about the carrier. You are too kind. :) I will look into it for my daughter. Blessings always, Michele
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