Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I'm Glad There Are Cookies

When I'm stressed, I eat. Something gets hard? I'm all- where are the cookies? The wine? Need them..like now.
Unfortunately, I have indulged in both this evening. I'll let you in on a dirty secret about me...
While I love having the opportunity to stay at home with our boys, I don't love every single moment of my day. I get so incredibly jealous of J who gets to leave the walls of this house dressed in actual clothes, interact with other adults, and go on lunches and run other errands that he needs to do kid-free. I can't tell you how much that makes me jealous. Of course, there's another side to that argument, but you can spare me. I already know it. I've heard it...and I get it. 
The thing is, I have very very little time to myself. Moms, you know the drill. I don't get to shower in peace. Forget going to the bathroom without a toddler running in yelling "pee pee" and flushing before I can even stand up. Sorry for the visual. The point is that I'm an introvert and I crave alone time. As much as I want these cookies that are in my kitchen, that's also my desire to just be alone FOR THE LOVE.
I get so discouraged. I'm trying to change my life by eating healthier and exercising. Some days, I feel great, but others days (like today) I completely derail my progress by stress eating. I also didn't get to workout or run for as long as I would have liked. The babes' naps only coincided for about 20 minutes so I didn't get a long workout there. Then in the evening I went for a run with both of them in the stroller, but after two miles they were ready to quit. I suppose I could be attempting another workout right now, but after the night I just had, it's a miracle I'm not curled up in the fetal position! I'd love to shower, but I'm desperately afraid of waking one of them up after they both took turns crying for over an hour.
I'm complaining too much. I don't mean to. I have a great life. But for when I do get discouraged, I'm glad there are cookies.

(P.S. Here's the 20 minute workout I did. I was surprised at how it smoked me in such a short amount of time!)


Angie said...

I could have written this post! I turn to baked goods at the end of the day. I consider it my reward for surviving another day. I love my girls, but some days I wish I had a job.

Anonymous said...

Girl, you are not alone!

Jessica @ Better Together and Forever said...

Dear Mrs. K, Everyone has those days! Even I do and I don't have any kids :( Every once in awhile we need cookies to help keep our sanity! You're still awesome in my book! :)

Kathryn B said...

It ok! We all have those days, where we just want to be left the F alone. Trust me, I've been there! It's ok to complain a little to. I stress eat as well, I just don't have as good of discipline with working out like you do. You're doing great, better days are ahead. :) Keep your chin up!

Jenn said...

That photo of you jumping? Wow! I can only get my knees that high if I'm lying on top of them. I also like your new socks and what you've done with your hair. I think I'd get bangs just to do that Cindy Lou Who twirly thing you've got goin on.

PS. You are really doing great. Really.

Jenn said...

I need just a fraction of your motivation once the baby is born.

erika said...

I so know the feelings...and I just have one at the moment. FOR THE LOVE is exactly right lol. :)

Kate @ Daffodils said...

We all have those kind of days! Meeting other moms in my neighborhood helped immensely because we are all in the same boat. We have playgroup where the kids entertain each other so we can chat and everyone always willing to watch someone else's kids if you just need to go to the store alone. I am so grateful for them and worried I wont make great ones in our next move. Hang in there, you are doing great (and looking fab!)

Becca said...

Cookies and hiking are the perfect cure. For everything.
I think you have just inspired me to try a new cookie recipe this week, in fact :)

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