Monday, May 20, 2013

Ants in the Pants

I'd rather hoped I wouldn't be writing this post today or ever, really. Alas, here it is. My parenting fails will be on display for the world to see as soon as I hit publish.
This weekend wasn't a good one for my little tykes. Allow me to explain...
I have two boys who cried wolf. One is really, really the boy who cried wolf while the smaller one only is when he's in the car. I've never had children who enjoyed a good car ride. That's a mystery to me. Anyway, usually Baby A will freak out in the car, screaming very loudly and then he'll be inconsolable for (what will feel like) hours. Lately, though, he has been drifting off to sleep in the car which is a welcomed change. Imagine my delight when he fell asleep on the way to the park on Saturday. I was happy because that could free me up to play with K and J swing. We got to the park, kept Baby A in his car seat, sat him down next to the gate around the park and began to swing as Cray K made friends with some other kids at the playground. 

Baby A slept sweetly for most of the time, but as we began to leave he was waking up. By the time we had trekked across the parking lot, he was angry. By the time the car started up, he was frantic. Again, this was nothing new so we thought, "He just doesn't like the car. He'll calm down when we get out." Wrong.
We attempted to sit down at a restaurant to eat after that but our sweet, easy baby was still pretty unhappy so we ordered to go and the kids and I went out to the car to wait on the food. I put Cray K in the back of the jeep so he could play instead of sticking him in his car seat and making him cry, too. I got out some crayons and a coloring sheet and he played happily for a few minutes. Meanwhile, I'm finally getting Baby A to calm down in my arms. He stopped crying and actually seemed pleasant. Then, a gust of wind, took K's coloring page up, up, up. Always on my toes, I tried to react quickly to retrieve it. I suppose my spatial awareness was off-kilter because when I turned, I whacked poor Baby A's head on the tail light. It made a loud sound and my youngest crunched up his face in the adorably cute way he does and began his slow-to-start wail. I felt hopelessly terrible. K's art work was gone and now I had harmed this tiny second-born child in my arms. Baby A quit crying pretty quickly, there were no red marks or even a bump, and he was acting fine so I pushed the incident from my mind.
We arrived home with food in hand and we decided we would do a little fishing in the backyard pond. 

Before going outside, I remembered I should probably change the little one's diaper. I went to take it off and what did I find? A single black ant. But the rash and bumps on his legs told a different story. It looked like a whole colony of ants was living in his diaper. His little thigh was so eaten up that grief washed over me. I feel absolutely awful for listening to his cries (of pain!) and not thinking much of it. Poor baby had ants in his pants (I would show you a photo, but it would just make you cry).
I guess he got it from me sitting him down in his car seat on the ground. Mom of the year.
Sunday K's little shoulders turned a pinky hue in the afternoon sun. We were out for such a brief time, I didn't think he would need any sun block.

My sweet boys. I totally failed them this weekend.
I'm sure glad they won't remember! ;)
As always, there were good parts to the last few days, too. J finished up his MBA this weekend so of course we had to celebrate! I'm so proud of him for diligently working on his degree while he parted ways from the Army, job searched, and obtained a great, competitive job. He has been working hard for this family and I'm so grateful God has blessed us with a man like him. Good work, babe!
In celebration, we took a short trip to the beach and REI, our happy place.

 Then afterward, the boys slept so I could go on a run. I decided to do a "ruck run" to the grocery store because we needed a few things. I posted a photo on facebook and got a lot of responses- "What's a ruck run?" Chances are if you're husband is or has been a military man, you know what I'm talking about. In the Army they do "ruck marches" in which they pack and weigh their ruck sacks down and march or run for miles and miles in their ACUs and combat boots. I have a whole new respect for them. Whew! I think they weigh their backpacks down with the equivalent of what supplies they would need to survive to practice for situations in which that would be important. I suppose I could be making that up, though. What do I know? Anyway, here's my much lighter "ruck":
I also only did three miles. Still, I felt like a beast!
Then, I totally canceled out all those calories burned by indulging in a deliciously fried meal. My husband continues to impress me with his cooking endeavors. Yesterday he made crab cakes, hush puppies, and cole slaw. 
How was your weekend? This is the part where you can feel free to tell me your parenting fails, too.


Lisa C said...

I've been known, on occasion, to hit my cat's head in the door frame when carrying her upstairs. She's pretty dumb, so I don't think it bothers her. This is the extent of my parenting experience. Good thing I don't have kids.

Amber Nicole said...

Oh my gosh, you poor thing :(
The kids won't remember but you will.
When Fin was about 7 months old, I took him to a park - he was later red. I mean lobster red. It was awful to look at but he smiled through it and acted fine. I felt awful that I just didn't think to protect my baby from the mean ole sun, but it happens.
Just a few days ago, we were all playing outside-owen ran into the road. With David and I both RIGHT THERE. Then he stuck his hands on the pipes of david's motorcycle which he'd just ridden-they were hot. He screamed but thankfully his hands were just red for a few minutes and he was fine but GOOD GRIEF!! THat was in a matter of like 5 minutes. Parenting fails all around :(
It happens, we move on. They don't remember but we definitely do.

Angie said...

I hate ants! I have a pretty severe phobia of them after living in Florida and Texas. Luckily the bites go away after a few days.

My husband hit my oldest daughter's head on the door frame when she was a few months old. She was okay, but he felt terrible.

Jenn said...

I have many MANY parenting fails, but let me tell you something even funnier. When Steve and I first met in college, we lived in neighboring trailer parks. (Settle in, this will get good.) He was over at my trailer one day and picked up my snorty pug. Just as you would pick up a young child and toss them in the air (wheeeee!), Steve got Odie and picked her up over his head. Except.... well trailer ceilings are really low and the fan was on and.... yep. Odie got whacked in the head by the moving fan. And I'm pretty sure she still remembers it because she peed in Steve's shoes for a long time after that and is always a bit leery when he picks her up.

ANYWAYS, that was just a life-fail for Steve on that one, but let's have a chuckle at his expense, yes? (And PS the dog is fine. Doesn't live with US anymore- we're unfit owners, remember?- but she's fine.) ;) And Baby A and Cray K are fine too. And please ask J to open a restaurant because everything he makes you looks and sounds amazing!

Jenn said...

I don't have any "parenting fails" yet as the little one is still blissfully baking but I do have some Nannytales like, sun burning the baby, accidently lifting her too fast from the carseat and bumping her head on the ceiling (sadly this happened on more then one occasion), or just forgetting to feed them lunch one time during finals. I could fill books with amount of parenting/nanny fails I have aquired over the years. Raising kids comes with lumps and bumps for everyone involved. You look back at it laugh and/or kringe and move on. chalk it up to experience. No one is perfect. If they claim to be look deeper, they just hide it better.

Angie said...

I wouldn't call it Mommy Fails, I'd call it Mommy Lessons! We as Mother's learn something new everyday. I have 3 kids (my oldest is 14) and I'm still learning what NOT to do every single day. Welcome to the club friend :)

Chantal said...

Oh no. We had ant problems before too. It's so sad :(

erika said...

Aw! Just know that if Millie were able to use a pencil, she would have a list MILES long. :)

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