Thursday, March 6, 2014

Stuff AND Things

Here are some random thoughts and happenings that have been bouncing around my brain lately:

*I really, really think Baby A can hear at least a little. The last audiologist said that to the best of her knowledge using the OEA that she was seeing "moderate hearing loss" but that we would need to do the ABR for more information. I suppose I could be in denial. Perhaps this is just another thing moms hope for when they find out this sort of news, but today I pressed my lips right up to his right ear and talked rather loudly. He stopped, focused, and when I was done he gave me the biggest hearing my voice isn't something he frequently hears, but he looked happy. I don't know. Maybe I'm nuts.

*My little toddler is speaking in sentences now. He's hilarious. Anytime I'm praying during the day, he whispers, "Money, wake up!" He also will repeat "Money?" over and over, trying to get my attention. If I don't answer, he switches to "Kacy, Kacy, Kacy?". Ha! This kid. I love him.

*I've been meaning to show you the boys' bathroom reveal. You remember that we were re-doing it, right? I'd go take a picture but I wouldn't dare risk waking my sleeping monsters beauties so this photo will have to explain it all:

Yeah, that's right. It's still not done. I tell my husband "I told you so" like every other day. I finally capitulated this week and scrubbed it clean and packed away all the tools in there. I give up. Good thing he can cook.

*I have ten more days of freedom and then my graduate studies resume. Oy vey.

*I decided to add something for Lent this year. Today marked the beginning of my blessings count in my spiritual journal. I plan on being more aware and noticing the little things in my life that make me happy. I'm thankful for a lot more when I write them down and can see all the little ways that God has blessed me.

*With the busyness and stress of Baby A's diagnosis (or lack thereof), I forgot to tell you that J's job is secure. He made it through the massive downsizing and we're pretty pumped to still have a job and steady income. Thank you, Jesus.

Did you have a good week?


Heather K said...

I'd love to ask you a little bit about your graduate degree if you don't mind! I've been doing lots of research lately about an MS in counseling but haven't found the right program - would love to know what you think about yours!

Jen said...

I am so glad that J's job is secure!

Jenn said...

Yay for job security! Nothing like piling the stress up all at once, right?? And yes, J CAN cook! Your IG makes me very hungry sometimes! I hope your "mama feeling" about Baby A is right. Either way, that child is a sweetheart. Sam calls me by my first name too if I don't pay attention. He also says, "Muwm, yore a hottie." And then I have to talk to Steve about how we really should be coming up with more respectful things to say to women (and mothers) than that.... Oy vey.

Jessica @ Better Together and Forever said...

That's exciting that Baby A heard you say something to him! I truley believe he heard just something coming from his Money! ;) I also just totally laughed out loud at Cray K and him yelling out, "Kaci" if you dont respond to "Money". What a smart cookie that Cray K is! Also, soooooo glad to hear that J's job is secure. That must take a good burden off your shoulders!

Shannon said...

Yay for job security!

If Baby A's hearing loss is moderate, he may be able to fully function with just tiny hearing aids. My best friend has moderate hearing loss and she wears tiny hearing aids that you can barely see and does very well. Here's hoping that's all it is!!! :)

Sarah said...

I really REALLY hope little A can hear some!! I've been praying for you about it because I know it must be hard!

Kristin said...

So thankful his job is secured! That must be such a weight off your (and J's!) shoulders.
I like the idea of adding in something for Lent. I'm trying a few different things this year.

Angie said...

My week has been up and down but all in all, nothing to complain about
Glad to hear that his job is secured. My Hubby is in the coal industry and from day to day we just don't know how much longer he will be working. It's really scary!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad J's job is secure!!!

Chantal said...

I'm so glad his job is secure!! Oh, and Penny talks in sentences to me. I'm like, stop it. You're a BABY.

Fran said...

Yay on the job!!! OH how awesome!

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