Tuesday, March 25, 2014

There's lots of info in this one little post.

Pretty stellar weekend to catch you up on, friends! Because weekend breaks don't truly exist for stay-at-home-moms, I'll just start on Thursday. I was having a crazy, busy week and was feeling a little stressed. There was the sedated ABR test coming up and also the gender scan at my doctor. Lots going on! My friend, Rachel, who I easily haven't seen since high school or (maybe) college came over with her girls to visit. It was good for my soul, y'all. She's a wonderful wife and mother and now I live only minutes away from her. It was so so nice to catch up and it makes my new little town feel a little less lonely to know that she's not far away. After she left, I felt a little more at ease about the busyness of this life instead of the opposite. How many people can make you feel that way? It's a gift.
Anyway, Friday was a big day, huge. We found out both good and bad news with Baby A. We got him up bright and early for his procedure and marched that cutie patootie to the OR with the tiniest little hospital gown. I was nervous, but it turned out I had no reason to be. They were done so quickly. The audiologist returned to our private waiting room shortly after leaving and said, "Guess who has two flaming red infections in both ears?" He just got rid of an ear infection (we thought)! This poor child has likely been suffering from them since birth. She suggested we hook up with the ENT again and get his opinion, but she sees tubes in his ears in his near future. She told us that he can't hear at all in his left ear and has only very minimal hearing in his right ear. The good news, though, is that she thinks he could regain that hearing after the fluid is moved off his ear. He will likely still be hearing impaired, but they were hopeful that this could help him tremendously. I'll continue to keep you updated. His next appointment is in early April. From there, hopefully we can get a date to insert tubes and re-perform the sedated ABR at the same time.

He was so exhausted after the test, he fell asleep on the floor. Never happens.

The emotional roller coaster that was that morning for me was about to get crazier because that afternoon I was heading to the doctor for an ultrasound. There, they would tell me that I was having a boy or girl. I really had no clue what it was going to be. I sat down, rubbed the goopy solution all over my belly and anxiously waited as the tech turned on the sound so I could hear the heartbeat. swish, swish, boom. The heart rate was beating at around 144. It was then that I knew it was a boy. She told me about ten minutes later to confirm in my heart. I'm a mama to three perfect, beautiful boys. I never dreamed I could be so blessed!

Honestly, I was hoping for pink but now I am just so excited for another boy. I don't need a daughter, do I? These boys are sweet and I will be the best mom I can to them. Last night, I just couldn't stop thinking about the nursery, baby boy names, and all the fun things that come with this exciting time in our lives. I'm so excited that I don't really need to buy anything! Ha ;)
Friday night was fun, too. My dad and step-mom stayed for dinner (they had spent the night on Thursday to watch Cray K for us while we were at the hospital with Baby A). They brought pretty blue flowers and chocolate to celebrate a new baby boy in the family! We had dinner and talked and it was so nice because we hadn't been able to get together since Christmas! 

Cray K was a little terror that night. We've had such a hard time reigning in his personality since the upheaval of the nap time schedule. He loses his mind around 3pm every day. Smacking, grunting, pouting, pitching fits. It has been awful. AWFUL. I knew on Friday that something had to change and that what we were doing was not working. Yesterday, I decided YOU WILL TAKE A NAP OR ELSE and guess what? Sweet victory. He cried in his crib for about 20 minutes, but he finally fell asleep and I didn't feel guilty in the slightest. This kid needs sleep. He's a monster without it. Yesterday afternoon, my sweet eldest was back, rested and happy. It was a new leaf around here. I got so much done!
Gosh, where was I? Saturday, oh yes. We didn't do a lot during the day but that night we called up our trusty babysitter so that we could have ourselves a good ole date night. We went to see Divergent (of course) and it was good. I liked it.
Please excuse my crazy eyes. I don't get out without the kids much. #excited

Sunday it was time for church. Then Monday came and now here we are at Tuesday. I'm back to the grind without my sidekick who is off on a business trip for a couple days this week. I shall try to make the best of it! I hope you all had a good week and if you made it this far in this post- God bless ya. You really must be bored or interested in my life. Thanks. You're the best.



Jenn said...

haha I love the crazy eyes! I imagine that's how I look when I leave home without the kids. FREEDOM. SWEET FREEDOM. And yay for another boy! Not gonna lie, I was hopeful that Molly was a boy. Girls scare me (still do), and ohmyGAWD she is so sassy I think I'm gonna have to go on medication whenever she hits the teenage years. But I did get some pretty sweet video footage of she and Sam wrestling on the kitchen floor tonight, so maybe she will have a bit of tomboy in her. ;) We shall see. Enough with my novel though- I'm excited for you and J and Cray K and sweet A! Hope the tubes help him!

Shannon said...

Super busy but filled with great news. 3 little boys. 3 little men who will always love you. You are a lucky lady!

Karen said...

I totally get those same eyes when I have freedom... I mean alone time lol. 3 little boys will be SO cute. So happy for you guys!! And Nora is the same as Cray K with the sleep thing, she is still horrendous if she doesn't get some sort of a nap. It can be brutal.

Anonymous said...

Awwweee! I hope that fluid gone does help!
Congrats on little boy number 3!

Danielle said...

Congrats on the newest little man!! My daughter got tubes at 18 months. She wasn't talking very much (about 5 words, including mom and dad) and the surgery seriously changed her life. I know that sounds dramatic, but I kid you not that she started talking more the next day. She started communicating better which in turn led to less tantrums. Praying for you little guy!

Jen said...

congrats on being mama to 3 precious boys! :)

Lisa C said...

Hopefully, the tubes can resolve some of the other issues. And boy #3! Yay!

Kristin said...

Congratulations! So happy for you all!

And maybe the ear infections are a blessing in disguise…perhaps when they're cleared up, his hearing might improve after all.

Kate @ Daffodils said...

haha Jenn's comment just made me laugh. Three boys is a wonderful, wonderful blessing. We have a lot of fun around here :) Congrats!

And Ill be keeping you all in my prayers that the tubes help! You are a wonderfully strong woman to be going through all of this with your head on straight!

Chantal said...

I'm so excited you're having another boy too! What fun! I have a friend who just announced her FOURTH boy. WOW!

Fran said...

eeek! I really hope having that fluid gone does help the little guy!!

And congrats on another boy!

I saw Divergent on Saturday too! It was better than I thought it'd be (I was kind of expecting the worst so I wouldn't be crushed lol)

Jamie said...

I am so anxious for you guys and the news/results that are impending.

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