Saturday, September 17, 2011

Princess dreams

If I happened to be a princess, I wouldn't ask for much. Just a wall full of books and loads of time to read them. Since J and I have been married, it has been an ongoing joke between us that he would never buy me shelves. I asked for them once and he said that 'Army families couldn't have shelves because they'd just get damaged or broken in the various moves we'd have to make and no one makes a good, sturdy shelf anymore so we'd just have to wait until we got out of the Army'. I'm paraphrasing here, but I'll tell ya- that's pretty spot on to what he told me.

Naturally, I thought he was joking, but as the years go by, I'm starting to believe him. The man won't buy me bookshelves.

When we arrived at Ft. Benning and began house shopping, I immediately fell in love with the built in bookshelves in the house we ended up renting. I walked in the front door, saw the lovely, tall shelves, and whispered in awe, "this is the one."

Remember them?

They were fabulous. So much room for literary geniuses (and ok, let's be honest, some delightful vampire novels)! So much room for little knick knacks.

But now I've got this:

(Not the baby bump- praise the Lord!)

Those awful little cube shaped shelves. Now, I know they have their place. I have this one because it was originally in my very own craft room that no longer exists due to lack of space. And I'm sure it will look sweet as pie when I move it to Baby K's room to organize his toys later on in life.

But really...

It's no place for books.

I mean, they need room to breathe...

Like here:

or here:

One day, when I grow up...

I'll have bookshelves.

Or maybe I'll wait until Captain J goes out in the field and sneak them in then. Either way,  "it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine!" (Name that movie for cool points.)

Anyway, thanks pinterest, for letting this (wannabe) princess dream.


Mrs. K


Paige said...

Waynes World in reference to the 1994 Fender Standard MIM Stratocaster with a whammy bar!!!! --- :)

Mrs. K said...

haha ding, ding, ding! You're so cool." Love you, love your hair, hope you win."

Jenna said...

I convinced hubby that we needed at least crappy walmart one. They suck terribly but they work for now. Have you tried looking at possibly an ikea for an ikea. Not the best stuff but they are pretty durable.

Kristin said...

Ok- this is what you do! You have him make you some! Really easy and cheap - and if they break you didn't spend hundrends of dollars on them. I begged Jeff to make me some and he finally did in AK - I'll have to take a picture of them for you! :) Or heck, you can make them! :)

S.I.F. said...

Totally knew it was Waynes World too! :)

And the picture of that one room with wall to wall shelves - heaven! Oh what I would do for a room like that!

Aunt Susie said...

You will have to do what I did when Uncle Bill would not buy be a gas grill....I went and got it myself, came home and told him to put it together for me. "Sometimes a women has to do what a woman has to do."

Melissa Cox said... this is the one we have.. for all our games.. we have a TON of them.. lol I LOVE this shelf
I LOVE Wayne's World!! :)

Mrs. K said...

@Jenna- I suppose mine works for now, too but one day (hopefully soon) I'm going to get a semi-permanent solution in here! :)
@Krisitin- I told J that Jeff made you some bookshelves and that he should make some for me. All he said was, "Well, Major so and so is a better man than me." Ha! I guess I'll have to break out my hammer.
@SIF- Cool pts to you. What a great movie!
@Aunt Susie- I think I'll end up doing it myself (purchasing that is). I love that you bought something he said no to and then told him to put it together. haha!
@Melissa- Waynes World, party time, excellent...! lol I like that shelf. I almost bought one when we arrived at Ft. Benning because it was marked way down. I'm still kicking myself for not getting it.

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