Monday, September 12, 2011


This is the ole 'I didn't do much this weekend but I'm going to tell you about it anyway' post. Ye be warned!

On Friday, Baby K and I met up with a friend and her daughter for coffee at a local joint. This town where we currently reside has slim pickin's in the coffee department (read: every department) so imagine my utter joy at finding a place with a huge list of specialty coffees! I want to try every single fall inspired cup! Here are some photos from our little date:

(Whoa...that picture is too big)

(There...that's better)

We had such a good time. It was nice to get out of the house and talk to another adult. Captain J just isn't very good at girl talk. Aside from K getting milk drunk and puking all over my dress, we had a lovely outing. Ha!

On Saturday, we watched football until it was time to have dinner. We ate over at said friend's house with her and her husband. Again, this was fun, too until Baby K screamed, "TAKE ME HOME!" which sounded more like "WAAAAAA AAAA AAAHHH!"

This young un has quite a set of lungs on him.

Finally, Sunday we were able to take Baby K to church. We had refrained from doing so up until this point because as my great grandmother used to say, "That's a lot of fellowship to wash off your hands". We were afraid that people would be touching him, breathing in his face, or (*gasp) wanting to hold him. I went prepared with hand sanitizer for the really persistant ones, but everyone was on their best behavior. They all welcomed him to church from a distance which made this new mommy very thankful. I really like that church.

Afterwards, we came home to watch some more football. Unfortunately, our pro team didn't do so hot. It. got. ugly.

But at least we were cute in our gameday gear:

And now we've arrived at Monday. I've been cleaning the house, entirely sleep deprived all day. The highlight was when I heard the *honk honk of the mail lady and saw that my new cloth diapers had arrived. Woo hoo!

It's weird what adults get excited about, huh?

We've had some other excitement around here, too. Yesterday the pups got to come inside for awhile and hang out with the baby because J had a situation outside to attend to. A poisonous water mockasin was lurking by the porch and we can't have that, can we? Captain J took care of it (with a shotgun).

We also had a rather huge spider running around the hallway the other night. But after a double (ok, maybe tripple) tap, that sucker was history.

There's lots of creepy, crawly things in Louisiana.

But we like it here.



Kristin said...

Oh how I love some fluff mail!! I haven't bought a new diaper in a loonnnggg time. Im trying not to because once I start buying its hard not to! :)

becky said...

Yay, didn't know you were Steelers fans! <3 this past weekend went much better.

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