(First of all, let me start by saying I like to keep things pretty neat and clean around here. With that being said, I'm also going to tell you a lot about my birthing experience with Baby A so if that sort of thing weirds you out...well, you'll have to just check back in in a few days. Ye be warned.)
My mom and sister arrived Sunday night after driving all day to get here from Tennessee. They came with plans to help us out, especially in regard to watching Cray K while we headed to the hospital for my induction day on Monday morning. I went to bed that night feeling quite uncomfortable. I wasn't necessarily contracting, but my back was killing me and my nerves were completely shot. I was a mess, worrying about every little thing about the impending birth. I was told to wake up at 5am to come into the hospital to be induced. Instead, I woke up around 2 o'clock in the morning in pain. The
contractions in the middle of the night thing was nothing new to me so I didn't think much of it until they became worse. By 3am I was calling the hospital to ask their opinion on if I should go ahead and come in. The nurse told me, "You should come in when your contractions last a minute and are coming every five minutes." I was torn. My contractions were three minutes apart, but only lasting about 40 seconds. This sounds absurd to me now--GO IN MRS. K! But I was still worried about my husband getting a little extra shut eye because I'm still thinking I'm going to be induced and it's going to be a very long day. Naturally, I decided to
I find it hilarious that I typed up a post in active labor before even telling my dear husband that he was about to be a dad to TWO!
Anyway, at 3:30am, I woke up Captain J and told him we should probably head that way because my contractions were pretty close together. I suppose I didn't understand or reiterate the severity of the situation because I soon found my dear husband slowly making preparations for the day. Hmm...what to wear? What sort of coffee should I make? Just where is that special coffee mug I like? Oh, look a toy in the floor, I'll pick that up! That's what it seemed like he was thinking. We were finally on the road by 4am. On the 30 minute drive to the hospital, he soon learned that I was pretty serious about this pain and he spent the drive telling me that I really should have roused him from his slumber much sooner. Obviously, I started thinking that, too. Ouch, those contractions were no joke!
I was attempting not to be dramatic so we followed all the rules. We stopped at every red light. We slowly pulled into the post gates for ID checks. We parked. And then it hit me. I have to walk in without crying hysterically like a crazy pregnant woman (because aren't those women sooo dramatic?). I walked into the hospital doors and J grabbed a wheelchair for me which I was grateful for. By the time we reached labor and delivery, I was full-on ohmygoshthisistotallyit!
The front desk nurse also noticed this too and quickly hurried me to a room. Minutes later I became that pregnant woman I secretly judged. There were no dainty moans or lady-like complaints escaping my lips as I labored. Oh, no. I sounded more like a body builder trying to break his dead lift record. I was so ashamed. I barely got into my gown before I was all- WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THAT ANESTHESIOLOGIST? The nurse hesitantly told me that I was 5cm and that he would get there as soon as he could, but he wasn't actually in the hospital. I tried not to cry. I think I succeeded. Another nurse walked in asking me if I'd like to get in the shower. Perhaps I'd like to stand up and sway back and forth? Or maybe I'd like a birthing ball. My first thought was, but but I just want some druuuuugs! Clearly, that wasn't an option at the moment so I told her I would take the birthing ball. I sat down as instructed and within minutes, I'm telling her, "I'm burning! I feel like I should push!" I feel confident that she thought I was a total nutcase as I was just at 5 not too long ago. She must have registered my terror because she decided to check for herself. The two nurses are very encouraging as they say, "Okay, you're ready to go!" I had already progressed to 10.
In strolls the man with syringe in hand ready to place that gloriousness in my back to numb the whole experience. He tells me he can still give me the epidural if I'd like. After all, the doctor isn't in the hospital either and he'll have to be called. To Captain J's astonishment, I turned him away. Why would I numb myself now? It would probably only have kicked in after the fact and I wouldn't be able to walk for hours afterward for no reason. I distinctly recall J saying, "Are you sure you don't want it?" with much confusion on his face.
I wasn't in the mood for talking, though. I was still grunting like a body builder and trying not to have a baby since I was not exactly encouraged to push, as if that is really an option in that moment. I finally got out that I didn't want the epidural, all I wanted was the doctor to get there so I could just make this end. I'm sure I had a little more tact than I'm remembering now, but probably not much more.
There was no breaking down of the bed.
There were no stirrups.
I simply rolled over and after very few pushes, there's a perfect, slimy, gooey little baby laying on my tummy. In that moment, there was absolutely zero pain. There was only this living miracle staring back at me. I was all smiles. I couldn't believe it. It all happened so quickly.
Over the next hour, I got to hold my newborn skin-to-skin, just like I desperately wanted to do with K but didn't have the opportunity to do. Captain J stayed close by, soaking in the newness of being a father all over again. He also got to cut the cord this time which made him even happier.
I wouldn't change a thing, of course. Baby and I are doing great! I was up and walking shortly after I delivered, feeling like a million bucks. Recovery thus far has been quite different and I much prefer this time around. I never thought I'd say it, but maybe the no pain killer route is the way to go.
I thank God for this precious gift he has given us. A has been such a delight. I spend my days cherishing his sweet sleeping frame on me, breastfeeding him, changing him, and doing the same with big brother, K. Life is so so sweet. Sometimes I just want to hit the pause button and stay in this scene forever.
P.S.- Thank you all very much for the congrats via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Email, Texts. We're home as you probably know and we're all doing well.