Every once in a blue moon, I ask my readers if they have any questions for me. Always wondered something about me? Ask and I might just tell you. You can leave the questions in the comment section and I'll get to them soon or you can email me your questions at mrskandcaptainj(at)hotmail(dot)com. These questions, however, came from the fabulous April at Hearts on Guard. She awarded me the Liebster Award and asked the following:
1. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A lot. I didn't realize this until our latest move just weeks ago. Goodness, at the shoes! I probably haven't worn half of them since 2008. I have so many dainty, sexy, caa-ute heels but I lived in Alaska for about two years then I was pregnant for about two years and now, well, I'm stayin' home with the babes so I never get to wear my cute shoes.
2. Are you a city person or do you prefer the country?
I'm very much a country mouse. I feel uncomfortable in the city. It's a nice place to visit, but I do not enjoy navigating, driving, walking, or staying in big cities for long periods of time. In my humble opinion, life is better when you can't throw a rock at your neighbor's house and hit it. We'll see, though. I'm enjoying this big city very much thus far. Starbucks on every corner? Hallelujah.
3. Alcoholic beverage of choice?
Well, I'm having wine now and it's pretty tasty so I'm going to stick with that. Any kind is fine ;)
4. What is your worst bad habit?
I just asked Captain J and he said, "You don't say what's on your mind, you make me guess...and I ain't no good at that crap." That's a direct quote.
5. What T.V. show do you wish was real so you could hang out with the characters?
First of all, great question! I wish I watched more t.v. so I had a great answer. Most of the shows I watch are reality t.v. shows. I suppose I'd go with True Blood....as long as I didn't end up dead. I think it would be fun to chill with Lafayette.
6. What is your most epic fail in the kitchen?
I once used the wrong type of flour for cobbler and ended up with fruit floating in butter. A close second would be the cardboard tasting cookies I made one Christmas.
7. What colors did you have at your wedding?
Well, I didn't really have a wedding ceremony. I wore a beautiful, simple dress with feisty red heels and God painted the skies white. It was perfect.
8. What is your favorite smell?
Brownies baking or cookies or Blueberry Cheesecake.
9. Dream location for a wedding?
I never thought about my hypothetical wedding much. I don't enjoy being the center of attention; it makes me uncomfortable. I never really wanted a big to do. When I did think about it though, it was always some place outside.
10. What would you name your son or daughter?
Well, I wouldn't change their names. I like them. But I'd rather not say their names...Just know that Cray K and Baby A have names that most of my family didn't particularly like. One is named after a mountain. The other is a biblical name.
11. What is the first thing you think of when I say....FREE?
My husband would have the same answer to #4. lol. Men. haha.
Love your answers :) Some made me laugh out loud (#4 and #6 :)). I, too, am enjoying a nice cabernet right now ;)
Btw - beautiful wedding picture! My husband didn't like the thought of everyone staring at him at our wedding, so we got married in a butterfly conservatory. There were no chairs and our guests had to find spots to stand throughout the rainforest so they could see us through the plants. It felt very intimate :)
I like this. I might steal it. I'm convinced you and I could've spent time together had we been stationed here together :)
I feel your pain with #1. I had a nice collection of heels until I moved to Alaska and then Italy with all its cobbled courtyards. Hopefully next base is much more high heel friendly so I won't be so short next to the mister.
Love your answers!
Those are great questions and answers! I think my husband would say the same thing about me on #4. I know it drives him crazy when I don't speak up.
You name your son Kilamanjaro, right? ;) Good for you for naming your sons names that you loved instead of letting influence of others make your decision. And I love your wedding photo!
Please please please be named Kilamanjaro.
Also, long term lurker chiming in to say... LOVE that wedding photo. Love.
'Merica. Love it.
I know your kiddies names ;) Kilamanjaro is pretty close...
Your husbands answer cracked me up... And as for your sons name I keep laughing that his name is K2, the only K mountain I could think of (totally ditzed on Kilimanjaro!)
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