Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hello, from Florida...

I almost went a whole week without blogging. You KNOW it must have been chaos here for that to happen. My mother texted me today asking when I was going to get my Internet turned on because she said she was having "social media withdrawals." Who am I to disappoint? Here's what I've been up to:

It all started on a blustery Friday morning. My sister, my kids and I set out on a journey to Florida with cartoons and snacks at the ready. And boy, were they needed! It wasn't as terrible awful as I thought it might be, however it was a bit stressful and by the next day all of my nails were bitten off. I won't go into a mile by mile novel about what occurred but let's just say that I learned a lot more about my sister that I didn't already know. For example, she doesn't ever paint her nails because when she does it feels like they're "smothering." Whoa.

The bright spot of our eight hour drive was stopping at Cracker Barrel as one of my wise friends suggested. Here's a Vine video from that trip- ( Look me up, I'm MrsK )
Anyway, after many tears we finally arrived at our destination. The following day, we picked up the keys to my new place and set out to make sure it wasn't a piece of crap. It wasn't.

But then we didn't know what to do. So we got out our iPads...
and then later remembered we were in Paradise and sat outside...
Ooo, Ooo, Ooo! We also had our first alligator spotting! Paige is the one who originally alerted me to it. It was quite scary until we realized it was just a little garbage or debris floating around. You know me, though. Before I knew if we were going to die or not, I ran to my camera because if it was in fact an alligator, I couldn't possibly miss the picture for all of my readers. I'm here for you!
Anyway, it's nice here. I'm sure we'll enjoy it. I have been pretty stressed trying to manage all this without J. My sister helped tremendously and I almost cried when she told me her flight was leaving on Tuesday because I thought she wasn't leaving until today. I'm forever indebted to her, though. There's no way I could have done this move without her. You should have seen the ridiculousness that was moving day. Shortly before the movers showed up, there was a fiasco with the electric company. One that was likely to cost me $500+ if it wasn't remedied quickly. Did I mention they were going to cut off the power, too? Anyway, after talking with a super helpful guy, I was able to keep power and avoid a ridiculous fee thanks to my days spent paying the electric bill month after month in Cookeville, TN. Glad I did that! 

The movers arrived and Cray K was so excited! It was interesting trying to mark off all 191 boxes/furniture all while chasing him down so that he wouldn't go out of any of the open three doors in our new home. It was a moving day miracle that he went down for a nap while so much commotion went on. Two days later and I'm still unpacking, but I'm getting there. It's starting to look more like a home.

I sure hope Captain J appreciates this. He's still off training in Ohio, but he will rejoin the fam sometime this weekend. We can't wait! He sure is missed.

Over and out,


Jen said...

I'm so glad that you made it to Florida safely! Enjoy that beautiful state. :)

Jenn said...

Such a sweet photo of those two boys. :) Glad you made it in one piece! Long car trips with children... *shudder* makes me wanna run for some chocolate right now and thank sweet baby Jesus that I'm not really going anywhere right now. Enjoy that sunshine! ;)

Chantal said...

I'm glad you made it!!

Irfan said...

yeah! glad you made it

Anonymous said...

Glad you made there safely! I love that gator sighting...they scare the crap out of me. My husband and his Florida friends laugh at me. They keep threatening to make me wrestle one next time we visit.

Sarah said...

Is that your backyard?! Must be nice! :) Still unpacking after two days?. I won't discuss the possibility that we MIGHT have a few boxes still unopened in the garage and we've been here since the summer. ;)

Kristin said...

I have no idea how you did this without J. No idea.

You're like wonder woman.

Also, your wildlife sighting is SO much cooler than anything I've seen in Alaska.

SkyMommy said...

That garbage totally looks like an alligator! Scary. Well, the actual trash isn't scary, but the fact that it really could have been an alligator is.

Glad you got all moved. Hope the unpacking goes smoothly for you.

Angie said...

I am glad you made it safely!

Unknown said...

Yay! Kudos to you!! You're doing a fabulous job. The place is coming together nicely. Soon Captain J. (and yes, you may still call him that ;) ) will be joining you and those adorable boys in your humble abode. I'm **so** proud of you...You can't leave the military life without going out with a, one last (fingers crossed) moving/unpacking adventure without the man of the house can only make you stronger. I'm glad that you had your sister with you. I'm certain that made Captain J. feel a lot better about having to be away from you.


Karen said...

Glad you made it safe and sound. I'm so PROUD of you for doing all of that on your own. You are awesome :) Also - I still have boxes that haven't been unpacked yet and we've been in our house for almost 4 years and are getting ready to move again this summer lol.

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