Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Every year at this time, an uneasiness sits heavy on my heart. Call it dread or call it paranoia, but I just know it as memories that won't go away. Thanksgiving is often bittersweet. Life goes on, though...the years passing quickly. Despite the worries that this time typically brings for me, I find it so easy to look around and count all the many blessings that have been showered upon us. For the first time in five years, I'll be home on Thanksgiving day! I can't believe the journey that has brought us back to Tennessee. I know it was orchestrated by the Almighty God; that's the only explanation. We are home and I'm so thankful for that. Even more, I'm thankful for my two delightful, healthy boys who are currently running circles around each other laughing and playing. This post is taking forever to write because I keep pausing to admire K's little curls on top of his head and the sweet smile Baby A gives out to everyone. They are mine? Yes, they really are. I'm so very blessed.
To celebrate this time of year and finally being home, I've already started decorating the house. Every year, I have to fight my husband on this. He would prefer I wait until after Thanksgiving, but because I like to deck (all) the halls it is often a process here. I've been decorating for days now and I'm not even close to being done. I get that from my mama.
To those of you who would say I'm hurrying through life, I'm not thankful, or I'm skipping Thanksgiving to that I say:
The excitement my kids express when the trees are all lit up is something I hope to never forget. I want to savor the 5,437x a day I hear K shout, "Christmas Tree!" which sounds a lot more like ChiscasTee. What's so wrong about counting your blessings around holiday decor on Thanksgiving Day? Nothing, I tell you. 
My house won't be complete until we get the real tree up in the den in December, but here's a peek at what I've been up to lately-

6 trees up and at least two more to go!
Do you go what my husband calls "Christmas Crazy" with decorating during the holidays?


Jessica @ Better Together and Forever said...

I love decorating for Christmas time before Thanksgiving! Why spend all that money on Christmas decorations and let them sit all year long to be displayed for such a short amount of time. Friday when we were buying our new Christmas tree I kind of got upset because we ran into someone we knew and his response when he saw we were buying a Christmas tree, "Well we are normal people and wont be putting our tree up until after Thanksgiving". Insert dagger into heart. Seriously, why do people have to bring you down when you're really excited for something you want to do in your own home that this person will not see! My husband saw that I got a little sad after that and helped me put our tree up then. (Sorry for the long rant.....) Cant wait to see all of your decorations for the whole house!!

Lisa C said...

I'm quite a decorating Grinch. I won't put a tree up before Thanksgiving. My sister's birthday is December 11, so my parents were always really conscientious to not put up the tree before her birthday.

Jen said...

I don't really go crazy but we always decorate. This year we are going to be visiting family for Christmas so I won't get to enjoy my decorations for very long.

Whitney M. @ The Married Me said...

I totally 1000%. There is no reason I can't be thankful and have my house covered in red and green!! I however do not go as crazy as you. I love decorating a tree, but I can't imagine decorating 8 trees. Heck I don't even have 8 rooms if I counted the bathroom! lol. Where does one store 8 fake Christmas trees and enough decor to cover 8 trees? lol. But--as long as it makes you happy! I'm sure they look fabulous!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

I love that you have started already! I think I will pull a few things out this weekend and then go full out next!

Jenn said...

I only packed our nativity scene this year... and I still have no clue where I'm going to put it, sooooo yeah. Not much decorating in these parts! But I feel like you're probably decorating enough for the both of us, so I will not stress about it! Thanks for getting my back, Kacy!

#mommylife said...

i love it! I put up our tree a few weeks ago.. but it's not decorated yet.. so it just looks like we have a pine tree sitting in our living room.. haha

Fran said...

I love that you started already, specially since Thanksgiving is SO late this year! Lance is not much of a holiday guy so we have a deal that I have to wait until the Black Friday but he knows when I wake up Friday morning it will be non-stop decorating haha I LOVE Christmas so I go crazy all the while watching Elf haha

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